Topic on Manual talk:Short URL/Apache

It works, yet index.php still seen on navigation bar

Miguel.covas (talkcontribs)

I followed the process for my local wiki, and it works. Yet, the browser displays the rewritten URL.

Local wiki on my Mac Powerbook:

Scripts located on /Library/WebServer/Documents/wiki

I want to use the name of the wiki site: wikipapers.

After reconfiguring Apache (on httpd.conf) I can write:


Apache shows the proper page ... but ... on the navigation bar I still get


Are there any missing steps?

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

You're missing setting $wgArticlePath = "/wikipapers/$1";

Miguel.covas (talkcontribs)

I reply to myself: I forgot to set $wgArticlePath to


Now it works fine. It also works using Alias ...