Topic on Talk:New Developers

Asking for making some lines translatable

Summary by Pacha Tchernof

All is marked for translation.

Pacha Tchernof (talkcontribs)

Hello, @Ameisenigel!

I'm asking for making some lines on this page translatable, this is, lines №№ 22-24, and 35. Thank you!

Pacha Tchernof (talkcontribs)

In addition: also, lines №№ 33 (after </translate> tag), and 133-146.

Ameisenigel (talkcontribs)

I have marked the page for translation.

Pacha Tchernof (talkcontribs)

@Ameisenigel, thank you! There is one more paragraph not marked for translation: lines №№ 33 (after tag), and 133-146. (I wrote an additional comment about it above).

Ameisenigel (talkcontribs)

Is there still something missing?

Pacha Tchernof (talkcontribs)

No, all is done. Thank you so much!