Topic on Extension talk:TabberNeue

Cassivan (talkcontribs)

I've just got into personal wiki creation and editing the past few days and ive been searching for ways to change the style of the tabs to show better on different, mostly darker, backgrounds but I haven't been able to find or perhaps understand how to change those things.

I had tried:

First I tried inline wikitext like <tabber style=" stuff ">.

Scanning the git for documentation and trying to find in the extension files where the style was, which I believe is the ext.tabberNeue.less file but I wasn't sure where to start with changing that as I know very little of CSS and related things and figured I should ask for help before touching anything.

Searching various wikis for ones that use TabberNeue or even original Tabber to see if any had .css pages or similar i could use as a basis for understanding how it could be edited but none I found anywhere had changed the style.

Ideally I would like to try to change styles conditionally or at least per page with a template or something but if it's for the entire wiki that's okay too.

Thank you if you can help!

Cassivan (talkcontribs)

I have figured it out!

For anyone else wishing to know I used the extension titled CSS and the F12 inspect to learn the names of the ".tabber__header" and similar things and slowly prod things to learn what they do.

EzekielT (talkcontribs)

That’s great! What CSS code do you need to write in order to change the tabber's colour?

EzekielT (talkcontribs)

(Specifically now, the title texts' colour).

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