Topic on Extension talk:CIForms

Jhollinden (talkcontribs)

I'm not seeing a list of input types available? From the examples I've seen textarea, email, number, and tel. The tel one doesn't seem to do anyting? Just wanted to see if there was a full list of options for input types?


Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

currently textarea and select are rendered separately, while the other ones, like text, email, date, etc. are rendered as a standard input with the chosen type. You can find here a list

so it mainly depends by the browser, date works well, I haven't tested all of them, with "tel" the browser should prevent to insert letters ? (of course using "submit", "button", or "checkbox" does not make sense, perhaps I have to filter/restrict the list, while "file" could be added in future)

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