Topic on Skin talk:Citizen

Summary by Octfx

Toolbars can't be customized (yet). Entries can be hidden by adding specific display: none entries to MediaWiki:Citizen.css.

Jiou7 (talkcontribs)

Hello and thanks for this great skin!

I would like to know what the proper way is to customize the arrangement of the different buttons in the toolbar of a page. I use the last version of the skin. For instance, the discussion button is in the the "More" menu (three dots), in a category "Namespaces". I would like to move this button to the top line which is always visible like "History". I also would like to remove the "Namespaces" line.

Alistair3149 (talkcontribs)

Thanks! There is no proper way to customize this menu sadly but I'll be looking into ways to make the Discussion button out of the more menu in the future. For namespace line you can probably hide it with CSS.

Jiou7 (talkcontribs)

Thanks for your answer! I think that the "Watch" button should also be moveable to the top line