Topic on Talk:Compatibility/IE11

Microsoft auto-redirect

Izno (talkcontribs)

Microsoft has started redirecting users from IE to Edge automatically when those users visit a site that doesn't support IE, and site owners can volunteer to have their sites added to a list for that redirect to occur.

It may be a a good idea for WMF to let MS know to add WMF wikis to that list.

Tacsipacsi (talkcontribs)

I don’t think users should be forced to use Edge. Wikimedia sites do, and expected for a long time to continue to do, work in Internet Explorer. The popup stating This website doesn’t work with Internet Explorer wouldn’t be true—it works, just with a somewhat degraded performance. Maybe we can add a custom advice about switching when the user tries to access particular features that don’t work in IE. For example, if VisualEditor stops working in IE, we can show a popup when the user clicks the edit tab—and not earlier—asking them whether they want to use the wikitext editor or switch to Edge. If Microsoft offers a feature to redirect the user to Edge (including moving all the data) upon user interaction, we can use that, but the unconditional redirection is too aggressive considering the level of IE support we have; it will be appropriate only once IE falls out of Grade C support, which is quite far away.

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