Topic on User talk:Wenfir

Could not authenticate credentials against domain ""

Wenfir (talkcontribs)

hello, i updated medwiki and set up ldap in this new version and i have an authentication error, i am 2 days in this error, if anyone can help i appreciate it.

My LocalSettings:

##The formatting was not very good is my first post here, I hope you can understand



wfLoadExtension( 'LDAPProvider' );

wfLoadExtension( 'LDAPAuthentication2' );

wfLoadExtension( 'LDAPAuthorization' );

wfLoadExtension( 'PluggableAuth' );

wfLoadExtension( 'LDAPGroups' );

$LDAPProviderDomainConfigProvider = function(){

$config =

"" =>

"connection" =>

"server" => "",

"user" => "cn=Manager,o=mydomain,o=com,c=br",

"pass" => "password",

"options" =>




"basedn" => "o=mydomain,o=com,c=brr",

"groupbasedn" => "o=mydomain,o=com,c=br",

"userbasedn" => "o=mydomain,o=com,c=br",

"searchstring" => "uid=USER-NAME,o=mydomain,o=com,c=br",

"usernameattribute" => "uid",

"realnameattribute" => "cn",

"emailattribute" => "mail",


"authorization" =>


"rules" =>


"groups" =>


"required" => [ "cn=group_wiki,o=mydomain,o=com,c=br" ]




'groupsync' =>

[ "mechanism" => "mappedgroups",

"mapping" =>


"grupo_wiki" => "cn=group_wiki,ou=Group,o=icpbrasil,o=gov,c=br",





return new \MediaWiki\Extension\LDAPProvider\DomainConfigProvider\InlinePHPArray( $config ); };

the log file with the error...


2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: ldap_connect( $hostname = 'ldap://', $port = 389 );

2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: # __METHOD__ returns Resource id #17

2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: ldap_set_option( $linkID, $option = 17, $newval = 3 )

; 2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: # returns 1 2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: ldap_set_option( $linkID, $option = 8, $newval = 0 );

2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: # returns 1

2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: ldap_set_option( $linkID, $option = , $newval = LDAP_OPT_DEREF );

2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: # returns

2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: ldap_bind( $linkID, $bindRDN = 'cn=Manager,o=mydomain,o=com,c=br', $bindPassword = 'XXXX' );

2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wikiI: # returns 1

2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: ldap_bind( $linkID, $bindRDN = 'uid=teste,o=mydomain,o=com,c=br', $bindPassword = 'XXXX' ); 2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: # returns


2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: In execute() 2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: Getting PluggableAuth singleton

2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: Class name: MediaWiki\Extension\LDAPAuthentication2\PluggableAuth

2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: Authentication failure.

2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: ERROR: Could not authenticate credentials against domain "o=mydomain,o=com,c=br"


I do not know if any configuration is missing or if I did something wrong I am studying this new version already using version 1.24. If anyone can help I am grateful :)Computer code