Topic on Extension talk:SemanticDependencyUpdater

Beware! This extension causes many bugs with more complex use of semantic properties.

3 (talkcontribs)

I have wasted many hours trying to find the cause of my problems. If your wiki has stopped working, or you have memory leaks while executing maintenance scripts, check to see if this extension is the culprit.

My wiki statistic:

Page statistics
Content pages 330

(All pages in the wiki, including talk pages, redirects, etc.)

Uploaded files 218
Semantic statistics
Property values (total) 26,043
 -  Property values (improper annotations) 18
Properties (total) ⁱ 205
 -  Properties (used with at least one value) 162
 -  Properties (registered with a page) ⁱ 195
 -  Properties (assigned to a datatype) 87
Entities (total) ⁱ 4,905
 -  Outdated entities ⁱ 481
 -  Subobjects 0
 -  Concepts 0
 -  Queries (embedded, total) 2,671
   -  plainlist format 1,890
   -  count format 757
   -  list format 40
Datatypes 18


  • Unable to use maintenance scripts: rebuildData.php - cause massive memory leak on pages.
  • Unable to use semantic annotations and templates on pages with SemanticDependencyUpdater.

All errors went gone when I disabled it.

Planetenxin (talkcontribs)

Sorry if this extension caused problems in your case. The above report is not very helpful without further information about which versions of MW and SMW you are using. Additionally your specific use case and configuration is required to find out what's going wrong. Feel free to open an issue at

SemanticPioneer (talkcontribs)

That was a long time ago, and I was using MW 1.34 at the time, but I was able to track down the causes. As far as I remember, it turned out that the problem was with cyclical dependencies. Additionally, the updates were too slow, so I quit and removed the extension.

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