Topic on Talk:Content translation/Section translation

Section Translation: I have a question

Rodney Araujo (talkcontribs)

I have a question: When I make a section translation with the test server, the translations is published or not?


EAsikingarmager (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Hi, the test environment will load content from real wikis, but editing and publishing only happens in the test server. So, nothing is published in the real wiki. This means that for now you should copy/save your work if you want to manually add it and publish it to the real wiki article later. Eventually this added step won't be necessary. Hope this helps answer your question.

Rodney Araujo (talkcontribs)

Thanks. And the test of Section Translation works well.

Rodney Araujo (talkcontribs)

But the MT that only works is Apertium. I need that the Section translation adds support for Google, Yandex and other MT services.

EAsikingarmager (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Thanks for taking the time to try Section Translation, Rodney. Once it's no longer in the test server, all the usual MT services currently available with Content Translation should be available.

Rodney Araujo (talkcontribs)
EAsikingarmager (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Hi Rodney, thanks for the question, I hope this answer will be useful for you, as well as others who may have a similar question. Section Translation is still actively in development, but once we evaluate it's usefulness and safety, and collect feedback from communities, the plan is to release it on Wikipedia. Initially it will be released for one language and we'll evaluate how it works for editors when translating real content. Based on those results and community input, we'll hopefully discover good opportunities to make it available to more languages and wikis. We'll continue to post relevant updates here as development progresses.

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