Topic on User talk:JesusMCarrasco

Traducciones defectuosas

Hasley (talkcontribs)

Lo he bloqueado por insertar textos incomprensibles e inadecuados. Le agradeceré que antes de proceder a crear traducciones nuevas, revise con cuidado las que ya realizó. Si no habla bien español, no vuelva a traducir en ese idioma. Gracias.

JesusMCarrasco (talkcontribs)

Discúlpeme pero hay algunas traducciones más incomprensibles, que tiene una gran influencia Anglosajona. En ocasiones he traducido algunas palabras que están basadas en la lengua española, más bien que en espanglish, si no quieren mi cooperación no traduzco simplemente quizás se encuentre a alguien más comprensible sin educación. Tengo certificados en lingüística tanto en español como en inglés. No aprecio su actitud, es un insulto.

JesusMCarrasco (talkcontribs)
JesusMCarrasco (talkcontribs)

Hi Hasley. I guess you decided not to answer me back, I really expected that some of you guys cared about what others are translating, not all and that’s because I’m realistic but there are some of you that don’t care at all, I realized that some and I’m not going to say that you. I just don’t know you enough to pass judgement on you; nevertheless, I don’t know how can you be so naive and not even notice a pattern in what others are translating. I did my homework and noticed some really bad translations and it so happened that it came to my mine and I asked my self, is it possible that some people are using Google to translate in to Spanish and guess what? I found that a lot and I mean a lot of the content translated is translated word by word from Google Translate. What I found most insulting is that you call what I translated “Traducciones defectuosas”.When I work for the company that you guys are using to translate, the content in this page that’s really pathetic, but again the algorithms that we’re using are working, after all you like them and like you said this page in Spanish is adequate and comprehensive. We’re doing a wonderful job wouldn’t you agree? :- ).

Thank you for using our services sincerely Jesus Carrasco member of Google’s Devs Team

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