Topic on Extension talk:StructuredDiscussions

Expected mass rollback of all peer transactions (DBO_TRX set)

夕舞八弦 (talkcontribs)
MediaWiki 1.35.0-rc.1
PHP 7.3.21 (fpm-fcgi)
MariaDB 10.2.32-MariaDB-1:10.2.32+maria~bionic
ICU 63.1
Flow 1.2.0 (6ec941d) 11:45, 13 July 2020
Echo – (3c62654) 20:47, 13 July 2020

when I use "Enable Structured Discussions"

it shows "An error occurred. The error message received was: Flow\Import\PageImportState::rollback: Expected mass rollback of all peer transactions (DBO_TRX set)"

Everything works right, just an error was threw

I found which is not so helpful.

Please Advise

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