Topic on Talk:LDAP hub

Is password reset supported?

Goibhniu (talkcontribs)

I'm migrating from LDAP Authentication to LDAPAuthentication2 and I can't find any details on how to enable the password reset feature. I wonder if there is such an option with the new stack. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Osnard (talkcontribs)

There is no "password reset" in the new stack, sorry. In general the new extensions are read-only. No writing to the LDAP server is possibe. What do you need this for? Users should be able to reset their password in a different place than the wiki anyways.

Goibhniu (talkcontribs)

Thanks Osnard, that's good to know. I hoped I could provide the same functionality as the old LDAP Authentication extension, but I'll be able to find another solution.

Osnard (talkcontribs)

Please feel free to contribute to the LDAP Stack extensions. It'd be great to have the functionality improved. What exactly is the use case?

Goibhniu (talkcontribs)
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