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Topic on User talk:Pavithraes

Thanks for your support for GSoC!

Syced (talkcontribs)

Thanks for writing messages to some GSoC candidates about the selection choice, it is very helpful! I am sure it will make a huge difference in how they feel about not being selected, and might be the word of encouragement they needed to continue working on such projects in the future. Have a great day!

Pavithraes (talkcontribs)

Thank you! Your message made my day. <3

Syced (talkcontribs)

Hi Pavithraes! Sorry to reopen this old discussion. For GSoC selection we prefer quality of recent edits rather than quantity of past edits. We have discovered that some students misunderstood part of these comments as hinting that they should contribute dozens of PRs, which is much more than most students can afford to spend time on. We feel bad making students basically work for free so hard in the hope of getting a GSoC. If you agree, would you mind editing and just removing the "and made ~47 PRs" part? ^_^

Pavithraes (talkcontribs)

Thanks, Syced! This is valuable feedback. I've made the change and shall keep this in mind moving forward. :)

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