Topic on Help talk:Extension:Kartographer/OSM

New OSM relation can't be plotted in mapframe

Atomsmith (talkcontribs)

Hi, I am trying to plot OSM relation 11046166 (Tall Pines State Preserve; Q24259875) as shown in my sandbox using mapframe:

<mapframe text="Tall Pines State Preserve" width="300" height="300" latitude="39.7817295" longitude="-75.1420652" zoom="15"> { "type": "ExternalData", "service": "geoshape", "ids": "Q24259875", "properties": {"title": "Tall Pines State Preserve", "description": "", "stroke": "#125123", "stroke-width": 3, "fill": "#ff0000"  } } </mapframe>

I'm expecting a red polygon, but I get only the green area from the OSM base map. The OSM relation is "type=boundary" referencing a single way as "outer". I last adjusted the relation over two days ago, but still nothing.

For comparison, my sandbox also shows OSM relation 8515545 (Abram S. Hewitt State Forest). This is also a "type=boundary" relation. It shows a red polygon as I would expect. Interestingly, the polygon doesn't reflect a major edit someone else made on OSM 21 days ago.

Is it possible that the data exchange between OSM and Wikipedia has broken down? If this issue needs to be reported somewhere else, please let me know where.

Atomsmith (talkcontribs)
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