Topic on Skin talk:Chameleon

MW1.31 > 1.34 Upgrade: Chameleon Skin Broken :(

3 (talkcontribs)

Everything went smoothly with my upgrade, except for Chameleon skin. I followed some advice from this forum and upgraded Composer and Chameleon-skin, but I still get the error below at the top of every wiki page. Content loads below the error, without the customised Chameleon skin.

"Deprecated: Use of ExtensionRegistry::load was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.34. [Called from ExtensionRegistryHelper\ExtensionRegistryHelper::loadModuleRecursive in /var/www/html/w/vendor/mediawiki/mw-extension-registry-helper/src/ExtensionRegistryHelper.php at line 79] in/var/www/html/w/includes/debug/MWDebug.phpon line333"

F.trott (talkcontribs)

Thanks for the report. For the moment it should be enough to turn off PHP error reporting in LocalSettings.php (which is a good idea on production systems anyway):

error_reporting( 0 ); ini_set( 'display_errors', 'Off' );

F.trott (talkcontribs)

This should be fixed. This was actually an issue in a dependency, so please update with composer update "mediawiki/chameleon-skin" --with-dependencies

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