Topic on Skin talk:Chameleon/Installation

Error when importing bootstrap theme

Squeak24 (talkcontribs)


I am trying to use the Lux theme on Bootswatch (, but when I try and install them I get a internal error. The error I get is:

[XU64-EQ9ePU8pGE6GrIwCAAAANI] 2019-08-10 12:30:52: Fatal exception of type "RuntimeException"

I have tried several ways of getting it working, these include:

/*$egChameleonExternalStyleModules = [

   __DIR__ . '/scss/bootstap.css' => afterMain,
   __DIR__ . '/scss/bootstrap.min.css' => afterMain,
   __DIR__ . '/scss/_variables.scss' => afterMain,
   __DIR__ . '/scss/_bootswatch.scss' => afterMain



$egChameleonExternalStyleModules = [

   __DIR__ . '/scss/_variables.scss' => 'afterMain',
   __DIR__ . '/scss/_bootswatch.scss' => 'afterMain',


And finally:

$egChameleonExternalStyleModules = [ __DIR__ . '/scss/bootstap.css', __DIR__ . '/scss/bootstap.min.css', __DIR__ . '/scss/_variables.scss', __DIR__ . '/scss/_variables.scss' ];

Any idead what I am doing wrong?

F.trott (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Error when importing bootstrap theme"