Topic on Extension talk:TinyMCE

"<brdata-attributes="" />" and "<brdata-mce-bogus="" />" appearing after save - small bug in wikicode-plugin

Summary by DuncanCrane

Fix suggested by Hermann has been added to master branch

HermannSchwärzler (talkcontribs)

Sometimes we see lines containing

<brdata-attributes="" /> and <brdata-mce-bogus="" />

appearing in our texts. I am not sure why and when this happens but after looking at the code it was pretty obvious that a small bug in tinymce/plugins/mw_wikicode/plugin.js was causing this.

Line 1701 reads

return '<br' + decodeURI(attributes) + ' />';

this has to be

return '<br ' + decodeURI(attributes) + ' />';

imo (note the added " " after "br").

DuncanCrane (talkcontribs)

Hi Hermann Please accept my apologies again and thanks for spotting this bug too. I will update to master in next day or two. Kind regards DuncanCrane (talk) 18:09, 19 June 2019 (UTC)