Topic on User talk:TJones (WMF)/Notes/Esperanto Stemmer Analysis

Dominik (talkcontribs)

I would not rely too much on "Random Groups". for example, "akademian: " can be reduced to "adademi: ", "bazarad: " can be reduced to "bazar: " and so on.

TJones (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Thanks, Dominik. Based on the meaning of -an- and -ad- from English Wiktionary, I think these are correct. Stemmers usually only handle inflectional morphology, which doesn't change the meaning of the word; plurals (-j) and case marking (-n) are good examples. Derivational morphology changes the meaning of the word; example in English include un- and -ness, so happy, happiness, and unhappy are related, but not the same meaning. The boundaries in Esperanto are a lot less clear because the derivations are so regular. This stemmer is only trying to remove inflectional endings.

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