Topic on Project:Support desk

Brand new installation - can't edit pages

Rpsjab (talkcontribs)

I would like to use MediaWiki for a knowledge-base for my class.

I installed vanilla 1.30 (no extensions) and am running PHP 5.6 and MySQL . Everything went smoothly during install. I can see the main page, I can log in and can get into edit mode on the main and talk pages, and I can even successfully upload files. But whenever I try to save a page, the response times out (ERR_TIMED_OUT) after about 10 seconds. I have tried searching for the issue, but without success. I enabled all the debugging from the manual, including the log file. Tail of the log file looks fine. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

website is at:

should also mention - have tried multiple browsers on multiple computers, so not a browser or extension issue.

[DBQuery] wikidb COMMIT /* MWCallableUpdate::doUpdate  */

[DBQuery] wikidb SELECT /* JobQueueDB::doGetSiblingQueuesWithJobs  */  DISTINCT job_cmd  FROM `job`    WHERE job_cmd IN ('refreshLinks','deleteLinks','htmlCacheUpdate','sendMail','enotifNotify','fixDoubleRedirect','AssembleUploadChunks','PublishStashedFile','ThumbnailRender','recentChangesUpdate','refreshLinksPrioritized','refreshLinksDynamic','activityUpdateJob','categoryMembershipChange','cdnPurge','enqueue','null')   

Request ended normally

[session] Saving all sessions on shutdown

[DBConnection] Closing connection to database 'localhost'.

[DBConnection] Closing connection to database 'localhost'.

星耀晨曦 (talkcontribs)

Have you checked your web-server error log?

Rpsjab (talkcontribs)

yes, nothing unusual in the apache log.

星耀晨曦 (talkcontribs)

Are you sure you've carefully checked your debug log? The debug log for mediawiki is very complicated, since load page action or save edit action there will be several requests. Debug information about saving edits is probably not placed at tail of the debug log. You should search StashEdit from tail to head and check its context. The context should be similar:

[ContentHandler] Created handler for wikitext: WikitextContentHandler
User: loading options for user 1 from override cache.
EditPage::edit: enter
EditPage::importFormData: Passed token check.
[DBConnection] Connected to database 0 at ''.
[MessageCache] MessageCache::load: Loading zh... local cache is empty, got from global cache
[TitleBlacklist-cache] Updated DB:title_blacklist_entries with 0 entries.User::getBlockedStatus: checking...
[SpamBlacklist] Spam blacklist validator: [[User:星耀晨曦/沙盒]] not a local blacklist
timestamp: 20180217143541, edittime: 20180217143541
EditPage::internalAttemptSave: getting section ''
ConfirmEdit: user group allows skipping captcha
ConfirmEdit: no need to show captcha.
[StashEdit] Timestamp-based cache hit for key 'DB:prepared-edit:' (age: 2 sec).
[StashEdit] AbuseFilter::filterAction: cache hit for 'User:星耀晨曦/沙盒' (key gakuencityDB:abusefilter:check-stash:default:a3bd6483e34e8924bfca427dc299e6c0:v1).
[cookie] setcookie: "DBPostEditRevision5181", "saved", "59iwks9e5", "/", "", "1", "1"
MediaWiki::preOutputCommit: primary transaction round committed
WikiPage::doEditUpdates: Using prepared edit...
[caches] parser: MemcachedPhpBagOStuff
Rpsjab (talkcontribs)

I will check and report back. Thank you.

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