Topic on Project:Support desk

Fatal exception of type "TypeError"

QW-IT (talkcontribs)

I upgraded from 1.29.2 and my home page shows the above error. When adding $wgShowExceptionDetails = true; to LocalSettings.php it shows:

[WjJJfceL4-oH1A7c06pIeQAAAEs] index.php?title=Main_Page TypeError from line 4711 of /home/../includes/parser/Parser.php: Argument 2 passed to Parser::setHook() must be callable, string given, called in /home/../includes/StubObject.php on line 111


#0 /home/../includes/StubObject.php(111): Parser->setHook(string, string)

#1 /home/../includes/StubObject.php(137): StubObject->_call(string, array)

#2 /home/../LocalSettings.php(181): StubObject->__call(string, array)

#3 /home/../includes/Setup.php(855): wfMathtag()

#4 /home/../includes/WebStart.php(114): require_once(string)

#5 /home/../index.php(40): require(string)

#6 {main}

The mw-config web upgrade shows that it completed the upgrade successfully, but I can't reach any pages. Any ideas?

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

This looks like at least one of your installed extensions is not compatible with your MediaWiki version. When upgrading MediaWiki, be sure to upgrade your extensions as well.