Topic on Project:Support desk

Extension snapshots for 1.27 outdated?

Stefahn (talkcontribs)

I currently update my wiki's extension. I am on MediaWiki 1.27.4.

Almost all of the snapshots I download are below the current version of that extension.

For example the current version of Extension:MyVariables is 3.4.0. The snapshot for MediaWiki 1.27 is 3.3.0. Is this meant to be like this?

Jörgi123 (talkcontribs)

Hi Stefan!

The version displayed on the extension page should always be the newest version available. In case of MyVariables, this is 3.4.0. For the older 1.27 branch however, the latest version in fact is 3.3.0, see

You might try the newer version 3.4.0, but note that it can contain changes, which are not compatible with MediaWiki 1.27. In fact, for 1.27, you should use the version for 1.27, which in case of this extension is version 3.3.0.

Jörgi123 (talkcontribs)

I just checked the changes in this extension and in fact you should be able to use the version for MediaWiki 1.30 and even the version from master. There have not been any relevant changes concerning MediaWiki 1.27 as far as I can tell.

Stefahn (talkcontribs)

Thanks for your helpful reply.

It would be great if there was an automatic check that tells us if the newest version also runs with an older MW version or if it doesn't...