Topic on Project:Support desk

Can't Reply to original post - PDFHandler

Summary by Star Warden

Duplicate of Topic:Tqzlxeby1rmmzjj4

Olds98 (talkcontribs)

Hi guys, I don't know much about these wiki's but someone told me I could install PDFHandler and gave me the link. I followed the directions and noticed I did not see any PDF thumbnails.. then about 10 min later I get this on the top of all of my WIKI pages. Parameter 1 to PdfHandler::registerWarningModule() expected to be a reference - Can anyone help? Thank you for your help!!

Olds98 (talkcontribs)

I have installed the three things they wanted the best I could.. I am guessing they are working..

Olds98 (talkcontribs)

Okay, this is what I have added to my settings to get this to work and I still have the above error:

 $wgUseImageMagick = true; wfLoadExtension( 'PdfHandler' ); $wgPdfProcessor = 'C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.21\bin\gswin64.exe';

$wgPdfPostProcessor = $wgImageMagickConvertCommand; // if defined via ImageMagick

// $wgPdfPostProcessor = 'C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.5-Q16\convert.exe'; // if not defined via ImageMagick

$wgPdfInfo = 'C:\Program Files\Xpdf\bin32\pdfinfo.exe';

$wgPdftoText = 'C:\Program Files\Xpdf\bin32\pdftotext.exe';
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