Topic on Talk:Cross-wiki Search Result Improvements/Design

NickK (talkcontribs)

Please do not offer intermixed results, at least offer a way to switch them off. Editors often rely on search for adding internal links (e.g. I wrote an article, which articles should link to it?) or fixing errors (e.g. I fixed a typo, what other articles must have the same typo). The best approach is not offer intermixed results at all, but offer results for sister projects separately instead.

DTankersley (WMF) (talkcontribs)

We'll have a function to 'turn off' the cross-wiki search results by project/language, but it sounds like you'd want that ability within the browser itself. Is that correct?

NickK (talkcontribs)

Perhaps yes. For instance, if Italian Wikipedia has chosen intermixed results and I am looking for something explicitly in Italian Wikipedia and definitely not in any sister projects, I want to have a possibility to filter the results this way.

This means that I don't want to change the decision of Italian community if I need this feature for only one search.

DTankersley (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Thanks for the clarification!

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