Topic on Extension talk:StructuredDiscussions


Summary by Jayden.macrae

How embarrassing. It appears as though I had commented our the require_once line in my LocalSettings.php that reference Flow.php. I didn't notice this until I went to uninstall the extension to try again.

Jayden.macrae (talkcontribs)

I can't seem to get Flow to run. Talk pages display with error:

MWException from line 326 of /var/www/html/includes/content/ContentHandler.php: No handler for model 'CONTENT_MODEL_FLOW_BOARD' registered in $wgContentHandlers

I have extracted the flow extension into /extensions/Flow/

I have installed prerequisites; Echo, memcached,ParserFunctions,parsoid

I have included require_once "$IP/extensions/Flow/Flow.php"; in LocalSettings.php

I have the lines:

$wgNamespaceContentModels[NS_TALK] = CONTENT_MODEL_FLOW_BOARD;


I have run the update.php script

I've tried running Flow.php manually, but I get an error:

PHP Notice: Undefined variable: wgResourceModules in /extensions/Flow/Resources.php on line 608

PHP Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in /extensions/Flow/Resources.php on line 608

Mediawiki v 1.26, using Flow extension for V1.26

Can someone point me in the direction to resolve this problem please?

Jayden.macrae (talkcontribs)

Also forgot to mention, Flow isn't showing in Special:Version as though it hasn't installed.