Topic on Project:Support desk

Issues installing Visual Editor

1 (talkcontribs)

After following the documentation to install Visual Editor on a Ubuntu machine, I get the first error listed in the troubleshooting section : "Error loading data from server: HTTP 500. Would you like to retry?"

I checked what they propose.

  1. curl is installed and is accessible from the server
  2. No rewrite in Apache conf
  3. setMwApi is set with the url previously tested with curl which is for me : parsoidConfig.setMwApi({ prefix: 'wiki', uri: 'http://wikirct/api.php', domain: 'wikirct' });

When I type http://wikirct/ in my browser, I have access to the wiki. I think the setMwApi is ok.

So I'm stuck. What else can I check ? Do you need further informations ?

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