Topic on Portal A/B testing

Dropdown menu for languages

Ogat (talkcontribs)

I like minimalism and making things cleaner, so I like the overall idea, as I said to Daisy, it will make the page smaller and hide information that we don't use all the time.

I suggest that the modal when opened should "push" all the down portion of the page instead of floating above the contet (wich will also make it hidden), and I also think it would be better if the height of the modal wont be fixed (hidding the overflow), so the best away for me shoud be that when we click on the button:

All te content appears, push the rest of the page downwards as far as it needs (don't creating another scroll bar inside it). And don't auto-close when we click outside or (worse) simply take the cursor out of the area (sites that do this like facebook tends to irritate XD)

: )

DTankersley (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Hi Ogat, thanks for your comment! We actually did that, to push down the data on the page when the language dropdown is expanded on a mobile device.

We'll take a look at the desktop version of the drop down, which is currently in a modal with a scroll, to see if we can do this in a better way.

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