Topic on User talk:Aaron Schulz

confirmation email (non wiki )user account for different purposes

4 (talkcontribs)

Hi Aaron!

silly question from me

i was wondering if it would be possible to extend the confirm email account also for

only an confirmation of an email....

let's say i have an questionnaire

To assure we have an valid user and no robot/impolite user who is trying to add data

to the database poll , i want to confirm the user's email in the almost same way as is done

as adding an new user to media wiki

So having an email send back the user and assure he must reply with an link.

99% of this method is already inside your extension, and i would be pleased if

this would be eg an simple function added to your extension



nd t (talkcontribs) (talkcontribs)

Perhaps it is a bit more challenging for you .......

The side has an globe

if you press on the globe, you get the questionnaire

The idea i had in mind was to wait for adding the dedicated filtered $_REQUEST into the database until

i was having the email response from the submittor (talkcontribs)

The questionnaire is '''Add an new school'''

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