Topic on Project:Support desk

Site just stopped working - (cannot access the database)

4 (talkcontribs)

Hi, the website just stopped working last night. The host - godaddy - confirmed there were no updates to the server. There are no error messages on the server log. I tried turning on debug as well with no errors being reported. The only indication i get is

Sorry! This site is experiencing technical difficulties.

Try waiting a few minutes and reloading.

(Cannot access the database)

I also checked the database path and the password - re entered just to make sure. I checked all database tables - these are ok. The tech support at godaddy had no answers confirming database paths/passwords and consistency of database tables. So assuming the database and connectivity is fine does anyone else know what it could be? Please click on the link above and click any of the subjects to test. Thanks

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

Please set $wgShowExceptionDetails and $wgShowSQLErrors to true in LocalSettings.php and see if it gives at least a reason for the "Cannot access the database". Also, what SQL engine (mysql, sqlite...) are you using? (talkcontribs)

Thank you... I will give that a try... You reply is much appreciated. The database engine is mysql (talkcontribs)

I changed the variables as suggested. Still nothing reported. The same error presents. No error log being triggered... It has me a bit baffled.

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