Topic on Extension talk:MobileFrontend

"<div id="mf-" tags not working with MW1.23

Nicolas NALLET (talkcontribs)

I'm using MobileFrontend on a wiki based MW 1.23 (that I can't update) and I can't use "<div id="mf-" tags to structure the display on mobile. Does anybody get the same bug ? find a workaroud ?


Florianschmidtwelzow (talkcontribs)

On which page do you try to use the mf- prefix ids?

Nicolas NALLET (talkcontribs)

on a project namespace page...

Florianschmidtwelzow (talkcontribs)

Yeah, then this is correct. The mf- ids works on the Main page only. You should create the content in a way where it looks great on desktop and mobile (avoid tables is usually a good advice). You _could_ workaround this problem by creating a class called ".nomobile" or ".nodesktop" and add a display:none for these classes in MediaWiki:Minerva.css and MediaWiki:Common.css, but this is really discouraged :)

Jdlrobson (talkcontribs)

Yes the mf- prefix method was never properly documented. Note you should invent your own class and also strip it from the outputted HTML:

$wgMFRemovableClasses =array(

"base"=> [ ".nomobile" ]
