Topic on Talk:Page Previews/Flow

Add the page in the Watchlist just with the Hovercard view

GrandCelinien (talkcontribs)

Hey !

It would be nice if we had the possibility, by a little button, to add the article in our watchlist, like the title said.

I don't know if it had been already said before, sorry for the spam in this case... :)

Fixuture (talkcontribs)

I think this is useful just at first glance: I don't think anybody wants (or should be motivated) to add articles to the watchlist without having at least viewed (note: that doesn't equal read) the full article at least once. What instead would be useful is a to-read list (or alike) that one could add articles to like described. Here's the relevant extension: Extension:Gather

Would be interested what you and especially the developers would think about adding support for it to hovercards.

This post was hidden by Fixuture (history)
Jkatz (WMF) (talkcontribs)

I think this is a good concept, but agree with @Fixuture that watchlist probably should only come after viewing the article. One thing we have implemented on the android app is a similar feature that makes a little more sense to me. There is a link preview similar to hovercards on the app, and on that you can choose to 'save the article' for later reading. This is something we have on iOS too on the new feed--you see a preview and can save for later.

I think there is an important distinction between wanting to bookmark and article and wanting to track the diffs. We don't have a great bookmarking feature (the recently pulled gather collections experiment was a failed effort in that direction), but I hope we can keep moving in that direction.

GrandCelinien (talkcontribs)

OK well it's true. I was thinking like a patroller, but most of the contributor doesn't need it. The idea of a "read latter" button is good. Thanks for the answer ! And sorry for my bad english :(

Jkatz (WMF) (talkcontribs)
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