Topic on Project:Support desk

WikiEditor not showing when wincache is enabled

Cgol38 (talkcontribs)

MediaWiki:   1.26.2

PHP:     7.0.0 (cgi-fcgi)

MySQL:     5.7.10-log

Server: Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 with IIS 7.5

The WikiEditor does not appear when wincache is enabled. If I disable wincache, the WikiEditor shows up.

I get the following error message when wincache is enabled:

Warning: wincache_ucache_cas() expects parameter 2 to be integer, string given in D:\inetpub\wwwroot\mediawiki\includes\libs\objectcache\WinCacheBagOStuff.php on line 52

Is there some other configuration needed to get the WikiEditor to show when using wincache?

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

This seems to be a bug, and ideally you should report it in phabricator. Can you provide a full stack trace of the error?

Since it's not a fatal error, you may need to add this example (without the "Trigger exception" part) to LocalSettings.php to get the full stack trace.

Cgol38 (talkcontribs)


I am new to PHP, so I need some more clarification. I copied the following to the bottom of the LocalSettings.php file:

function exception_error_handler($severity, $message, $file, $line) {

if (!(error_reporting() & $severity)) {

// This error code is not included in error_reporting



throw new ErrorException($message, 0, $severity, $file, $line);



However, I do not see a stack trace error message when I access an Edit page in the wiki. Is there something else I need to do or enable in order to see the track trace? Will I see this stack trace when accessing a page in the wiki site?

Thank You

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

I'm not sure, you can try also setting Manual:$wgShowExceptionDetails to true, but since this is not a "fatal" error it may not trigger the stack trace... The stack trace is good for debugging, because otherwise it may be difficult to see from where that line of code was called that may give such error.

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