Topic on Project:Support desk

How to move from WikiMedia 1.25.2 to 1.26.2 WikiMedia ?

25 (talkcontribs)


I am currently on MediaWiki 1.25.2 and  I would like past 1.26.2, but I do not understand much. I am go to the Manual page: Update, but I not understand how to save and transfer files.

I'm Localhost and Wamp server

Could you please help me ? (talkcontribs)

You need a backup of two things: The files and the database.

Your server is stored somewhere on your computer. It has a subfolder called htdocs/. In this folder you will find the files, which you can access under localhost. These are the files, which you have to create a backup from.

You can for example create a zip archive out of this folder and store it at a save place. For the database, you can create a database dump with mysqldump or using PHPMyAdmin.

Later during the update you will start using the files of the new MediaWiki version. Since the files are on your local PC, you do not need wget, SCP, SSH or an FTP client. All these are only needed, if you have to store files on a different PC. In your case, you can just download the MediaWiki tarball and extract it into a new folder as described on the update page. Download the tarball with your webbrowser and extract it. (talkcontribs)

Thank you very much. I also have to keep the Local Setting? Is it normal that in the htdocs folder I have only one HTML page named Index and when I click it opens a web page and me mark "It Works" Last question, how much weighed the database file, I have .sql files a size of 771 bytes ,is that it may be just? (talkcontribs)

Yes, you also have to keep your LocalSettings.php file.

The HTML file is not what you are looking for. This file comes with the Apache webserver. It does not have to do with your MediaWiki installation. If this is the only file you have in that folder, then this is not the foldr, in which MediaWiki is installed.

700 bytes for the database is too small. Depending on what you have in your wiki, the database size might be somewhere between a few megabytes and several gigabytes. Maybe you have not backed up the right database. Reading the contents inside the dump file might tell you more. The size of the database mostly depends on how many revisions you have in it and on how long the text of each revision is. (talkcontribs)

Hi, thank you for your help.

The folders htdoc that I found and folder Wamp but in the folder there are only a html page that calls this index.

Regarding the database I took it from phpMyAdmin, how given the right saved the database? (talkcontribs)

Search your computer for a file named "LocalSettings.php". This is the main configuration file of MediaWiki. The folder in which you have this file is the folder, in which MediaWiki is installed.

Then open LocalSettings.php with a text editor and read its contents. It will contain PHP code. Somewhere in that file, there will be a variable named $wgDBname. The value, which is set in that variable, is the name of the database, which MediaWiki is using.

Sebunian (talkcontribs)

Thank you for your board. I found the name of the database, but via PHPMyAdmin, there's no database called as written in Localsetting file. To be more specific, the database in this Localsetting called "MyFirstWiki" but no database named "MyFirstWiki" in PHPMyAdmin. How it does what it?

Thank you (talkcontribs)

Your database name looks strange. Is that really the value from $wgDBname? Depending on the operating system, database names may or may not be case-sensitive. You are on Windows and there database names are case-insensitive. That means the casing of the letters is not relevant.

If you log in to PHPMyAdmin, make sure that you use the credentials of a MySQL user, who has access to that database. That should be working with the MySQL user root or with the username from $wgDBuser and the password from $wgDBpassword.

Sebunian (talkcontribs)

Thank you for your response. I'm SQLite, is that it can come of his? Here is what it says beneath "Database settings" in my LocalSettings

    1. Database settings

$wgDBtype = "sqlite"; $wgDBserver = ""; $wgDBname = "MyFirstWiki"; $wgDBuser = ""; $wgDBpassword = ""; (talkcontribs) (talkcontribs)

Ok, thank you for your help.

But I did not understand how backed up the database via the website you gave me.

Is there a simpler means? (talkcontribs)

Yes, if the database is _not_ in use currently, then you can also copy the database file. If there is not only the database file itself, but also a *-journal file or a *-wal file with the same name, then you should copy these files as well.

Sebunian (talkcontribs)

I'm really sorry, but I did not understand.

I'm sorry if I ask too many questions (talkcontribs)

You can just copy the sqlite file. (talkcontribs)

I have to copy the folder, SQLite, which is in the Wiki folder?

But the problem is that there are two SQLite folder in the folder my Wiki.

Should I copy the two? (talkcontribs)

You have to copy the database file. This file usually is located inside the SQLite data directory. This directory was set during installation of SQLite. In your case the file name in that directory should be MyFirstWiki.sqlite. (talkcontribs)

So I have to copy / paste the file .sqlite, LocalSetting.php and the Image folder and the Extension folder ?

In the first response I've had, someone told me that I had copied the folder /htdocs, do I have to do and where found? Because I have a folder /htdocs and full document .htdocs, than take?

And I also forgot to apologize to me , from the beginning, of my English . I use Google translation Because I 'm French . (talkcontribs)

> So I have to copy / paste the file .sqlite, LocalSetting.php and the Image folder and the Extension folder ?

Right and if you are using a special skin, then you will also have to paste the folder of that one skin from inside the skins/ folder. If you are using the Vector skin, then you do not have to do this. The Vector skin comes with MediaWiki by default.

These files, which you have to copy, are inside a folder, which is accessible from the web. Above you wrote that you have a folder with the LocalSettings.php file in it. This is the folder, of which you need a backup. (talkcontribs)

Thank you for your answers.

On what website can I find the htdocs?

Do I have to install the Wiki before, or do I directly put the files in the folder of my Wiki?

How should I do to the MyFirstLegacy.sqlite that i have copied, I must the pasted  where? Because it is already the MyFirstLegacy.sqlite, in folder Wamp\data?

Sorry to reply so late, I was on vacation. And sorry to ask too many questions. (talkcontribs)

htdocs is a folder on the server. It is the one, where your wiki files are in. This folder is accessible with the webbrowser. I do not know the URL, under which you find it. This URL depends on how the server is configured.

When you install the new version, you need to make sure that no files from the 1.25.2 tarball stay behind. Such files, which are from older versions of MediaWiki, will cause problems in the new version.

I understand that you have created a database backup called MyFirstLegacy.sqlite. Keep this file at a safe place. If the update is working correctly, you will not need it. Only, if the upgrade goes wrong, if the database gets broken dureing it or so, then you will have to replace the broken database with the backup file. (talkcontribs)

I do not find the htdocs folder?

I am in Localhost, on Wamp server, and the database in SQLite.

When I install the Wiki in 1.26.2, I must choose the same characteristic as the Wiki in 1.25.2. Which means in Sqlite and appointed  my database MyFirstWiki? (talkcontribs)

But you found the LocalSettings.php file. It is the folder where LocalSettings.php is inside. Anyway, you have to replace the old fles with the new ones. The folder where these files ar in, however it is called, is the one you are looking for.

You can continue using the same LocalSettings.php file. That way you automatically continue using the same database as well.

Sebunian (talkcontribs)

I followed your advice and I would like to know, how to know if Wiki is in 1.26?

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)
Sebunian (talkcontribs)

Thank you very much, I managed to update my Wiko. I would like to thank everyone who helped me. But a new little problem appeared (Parsoid), but I'll make a new topic, for whatsoever it clearer. Thank you very much for your help.