Topic on Extension talk:SimpleChanges

$wgSimpleChangesOnlyLatest doesn't work

Summary by Kghbln

Upgrade to master of this extension

Miles Fides (talkcontribs)

Hey there,

I wanted to transclude the SimpleChanges-Page on my Mainpage and noticed, that the displayed Pages aren't distinct. In fact some pages showed up 5 times.

So I searched for the Variable $wgSimpleChangesOnlyLatest in the PHP-Files and wasn't able to find it anywhere...

Does this variable even exist?

If yes, why doesn't it work?...

Thanks :)

Tosfos (talkcontribs)

That variable does indeed exist, and it was introduced in version 1.0. I'm guessing that you're using an older version of the extension. Try downloading from the master branch.