Topic on Skin talk:Chameleon

remove the logo entirely.

Vapblack (talkcontribs)

How can I make it so the top bar doesn't load a logo? I can remove it from the XML file, but if I update the composer.json file, it brings it back it.

F.trott (talkcontribs)
Vapblack (talkcontribs)

Yeah I know about that page, but for me, its not really clear how to manipulate the skin.

F.trott (talkcontribs)
  1. Copy the layout XML file of your choice (e.g. standard.xml) to the MW root directory
  2. Remove the Logo component from the copy
  3. Add the following line to LocalSettings.php: $egChameleonLayoutFile= __DIR__ . '/standard.xml';
Reply to "remove the logo entirely."