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Topic on Project:Support desk

Watchlist and Ping not working all the time

Goran tek-en (talkcontribs)

I work mostly on Commons and the English and Swedish Wikipedia and my main user page is at Commons Goran_tek-en.
I do work as graphic and thereby different Requests on the Graphic_Lab pages of the wikis. I'm very depending on that I get a notification when someone edits a Request I'm working on or Pings me to get my attention.
My problem is that even though I have checked the box Watch this page or someone Pings me I don't get a notification all the time. Most often NOT.
When I look at my Watchlist I can see pages that I haven't got a notification on email as my Preferences says. Ping doesn't either give me notification by email most of the time.

  • Is this a problem that is known or has it to do with something with my account/preferences?

To be sure to reach me please use my user page at Commons as above.

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