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[RESOLVED] ImageMagick fails on large images?

Subfader (talkcontribs)

I have a large image (3,950 × 12,288 px, 3.96 MB) and ImageMagick fails to create thumbs for it.

I've read that IM actually has no problems handling megasize images.

Error mesage:

Error creating thumbnail: convert: Insufficient memory (case 4) `/var/www/vhosts/.../images/archive/9/9e/20141109110748!FooBar.jpg' @ error/jpeg.c/EmitMessage/242. convert: missing an image filename `/tmp/transform_84b0437c44c2-1.jpg' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3011.

Is there a setting I can use to increase like memory limit?

  • ImageMagick: 6.6.9-7
  • info.php: [removed]

This post was posted by Subfader, but signed as

Subfader (talkcontribs) (talkcontribs)

How to increase Max Shell Memory? i am using wordpress and cannot make the thumbnail.

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

This is a support forum for MediaWiki, not Wordpress