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how to design the 'Search result page' of a MediaWiki Skin?

Nasirkhan (talkcontribs)

Hi, I am trying to develop a simple MediaWiki skin based on Bootstrap 3. The skin is available at https://github.com/nasirkhan/mediawiki-bootstrap. For me it is important to have the responsive feature, and i tried to add this in the content pages. But the problem search result pages are using the core mediawiki style and it do not the responsive feature.

Can you tell me how can i design the 'Search result page' of my skin.

This post was posted by Nasirkhan, but signed as Nasir8891.

Florianschmidtwelzow (talkcontribs)

The content of the pages (like the search result page) is statically and can't skinned so easy. You can:

  • change the template for search result page (needs core changes) -> not good
  • change the css classes and ids with !important -> ugly

But more options i can't see to do this :)

Nasirkhan (talkcontribs)

Thanks for the repoly Florianschmidtwelzow.

There are ways to use the other several properties of the page so is there any way to load the view in my skin page and override the format?

Am i the first person who is facing this issue? this options shohuld be supported be the code :(

This post was posted by Nasirkhan, but signed as Nasir8891.

Florianschmidtwelzow (talkcontribs)

Hello, nope :) The Specialpage search adds his contents directly to OutputPage, which's content is directly added as bodycontent in $data. So, without rewrite core functions and files you can only rewrite bodycontent (preg_replace, e.g.) if the search result page (Title class) is called or you use !important in css to overwrite the standard settings.

You can try to fill a bug in bugzilla.wikimedia.org, maybe it's planned to enable skinning of special pages or it goes to the plan after the bug :)

Nasirkhan (talkcontribs)
Reply to "how to design the 'Search result page' of a MediaWiki Skin?"