Topic on Project:Support desk

Running Maintenance Scripts for GoDaddy SSH

Dsarkozi (talkcontribs)

My wiki, has been down for a week because my database is over its size limit. I want to run deleteOldRevisions.php and deleteArchivedRevisions.php

I'm having to use /usr/local/php5/bin/php to execute the script I'm getting the error:

[dsarkozi@p3nlh301 maintenance]$ /usr/local/php5/bin/php deleteOldRevisions.php --delete

Warning: require_once(__DIR__/Maintenance.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/d/s/a/dsarkozi/html/maintenance/deleteOldRevisions.php on line 25

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '__DIR__/Maintenance.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php') in /home/content/d/s/a/dsarkozi/html/maintenance/deleteOldRevisions.php on line 25 [dsarkozi@p3nlh301 maintenance]$ (talkcontribs)


I already have an idea of what might be wrong in your case. On the shell, please run php -v. Which PHP version does it tell you do you have there?

Dsarkozi (talkcontribs)

It returns PHP 5.2.17

It occurred to me last night that it might be because Godaddy as disabled the database because its over sized, I'm going to call today and see if that's the case. (talkcontribs)

I don't know, what GoDaddy does - maybe they do strange things. ;-)

However, your problem is something else: When you execute php ... on the shell, you have PHP version 5.2. This version is to old and MediaWiki cannot work with it. Reading your error message that also was what I expected.

I remember that I have answered the same question some time ago already; here it is: Thread:Project:Support_desk/Having_trouble_running_update.php

At that time GoDaddy said they just do not offer PHP 5.3 on the shell:

Due to the nature of shared hosting, SSH will not be able to access PHP 5.3 (...) 
If you require this ability, you would need to use a virtual private or dedicated 

I think it's noteworthy that GoDaddy at least does no longer give you PHP 4.4.9 as they still did in 2013. However, just like before it is still the case that they only give you an old version, which with current software just is unusable. I don't know how much you pay for that hosting, but maybe you want to spend your money somewhere else - where you really can use your software. (talkcontribs)

hi try updating php to 5.3 or later and if MySQL is lower then 5 please upgrade it and please upgrade mediawiki to 1.22 or higher and then re download the update for the extension for the version of mediawiki you have. (talkcontribs)

Dsarkozi, don't do it. You do not need another MySQL version and since we don't know what MediaWiki version you use it also does not make sense to philosophize whether you should upgrade MediaWiki or not. And even if you did (which - given the circumstances - I don't recommend): It will not change anything about your problem. All you need is a newer PHP version on the shell.

GoDaddy for obvious reasons will not let you update PHP: They charge people more, when they want to have a usable PHP version on the shell. So you now have two possibilities: You either continue paying a company of which at least in my opinion the business conduct is not OK. So you can either throw even more money at this company in the hope that things somehow work better with a more expensive package. Or you directly change to a host, who just offers a usable environment without the need to pay extra.

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