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How to install RefToolbar to use the Cite button like on Wikipedia

4 (talkcontribs)

I'm trying to install "RefToolbar 2.0b", a set of javascript files that extend the functionality of the "WikiEditor" extension, so that editing articles on my own MediaWiki wiki (urban-wiki.org) appears and functions exactly like editing an article on the English Wikipedia. The only part that's not working is the "Cite" button, which allows the user to select from among four templates from a drop-down menu for adding references. Basically I'm asking exactly the same question asked here, which includes a screenshot showing the problem: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10649475/mediawiki-editor-reftoolbar-missing

I've installed MediaWiki 1.22.0 on the server and am using PHP 5.4.20 and MySQL 5.1.39. I've enabled both the WikiEditor and Cite extensions by adding the necessary lines of code to the LocalSettings.php file. (require_once __DIR__ . "/extensions/WikiEditor/WikiEditor.php"; for WikiEditor and require_once __DIR__ . "/extensions/Cite/Cite.php"; and $wgCiteEnablePopups = true; for Cite). I checked that these extensions are in fact installed by viewing the Special:Version page of the wiki.

I tried to follow the instructions for RefToolbar located at http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Citation_option_in_your_edit_toolbar and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:RefToolbar/2.0 but I don't understand either.

Apparently what RefToolbar is is a set of a few javascript files: Common.js RefToolbarBase.js RefToolbar.js RefToolbarLocal.js RefToolbarMessages-en.js

Both of the instruction pages I found say something like "copy these files to your MediaWiki", which I assume means to upload the javascript files to the server on which MediaWiki is installed. But where? To which folder should I upload these files? I guessed extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ since the javascript files should modify the behavior of the WikiEditor extension and this is the only folder where I see that extension's javascript files.

But this didn't work. The "Cite" button doesn't appear when I'm editing an article. Please help.

- Andrew (talkcontribs)

Hi Andrew!

When the page says "place the files properly in your wiki", e.g. "MediaWiki:Common.js" then it means that you should actually put the JavaScript code in your wiki in the wiki page MediaWiki:Common.js. HTH. :-) (talkcontribs)

I don't understand. What do you mean "put the JavaScript code in the wiki page"? How do I put a JavaScript code (a text file) "in" a wiki page? It seems to me I can only put files in certain folders on the server. Or do you mean to copy and paste the text of the JavaScript file to a certain page in the wiki? Thanks.

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