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Topic on Extension talk:Cite

Cite does not create references

10 (talkcontribs)

MediaWiki: 1.19.2
Snapshot of the Cite: for MediaWiki 1.19.x

So, I installed the Cite and added require_once to LocalSettings.php

Now I'm trying to repeat the example:
According to scientists, the Sun is pretty big.<ref>E. Miller, The Sun, (New York: Academic Press, 2005), 23-5.</ref>
The Moon, however, is not so big.<ref>R. Smith, "Size of the Moon", Scientific American, 46 (April 1978): 44-6.</ref>
== Notes ==
<references />

and I get the folowing:
According to scientists, the Sun is pretty big.<cite_reference_link>
The Moon, however, is not so big.<cite_reference_link>
<cite_references_prefix><cite_references_link_one> <cite_references_link_one><cite_references_suffix>

What's wrong?

Cavila (talkcontribs)

Those snapshots are unreliable, as I experienced myself lately. Try downloading the extension through Git instead. (talkcontribs)

Yeah, now I got the Cite extension by:

git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/p/mediawiki/extensions/Cite.git

Replaced the previous one by that new one. But yet that has not changed anything, unfortinatelly. There are still <cite_reference_link> instead of footnotes.

Any further suggestions, please? I'm desperated with this extension, it didn't work that way since I had MediaWiki 1.17.

Cavila (talkcontribs)
Abagnale (talkcontribs)

Nope, it didn't help too. I also tried snapshots of the Cite from 1.10 to the last 1.19 - none of them works correctly, all behave like I described.

Weird though - it actually does some work: translates <ref></ref> into <cite_reference_link>, but it seems that something messes with it.

I read somewhere, that some web-hosters have some "features" or "settings" on their servers, that prevents some extensions from working correctly. It seems that I'm the only one with such problem, and that means the problem is on my side, not on the extension's.

Abagnale (talkcontribs)

OMG, I've found the reason - I guess, it's my stupidity.

I've read once again the Cite's page here and saw the text where it says about special names or I don't know how to name it. So, it's like I described earlier: I got some <cite_references_prefix><cite_references_link_one> <cite_references_link_one><cite_references_suffix> instead of references.

I simply went to the Wikipedia's special pages and copy source from there to special pages in my wiki, and it worked. For example, I went to my page MediaWiki:Cite_references_link_one and pasted there <li id="$1">'''[[#$2|↑]]''' $3</li>. And so on.

I'm so glad, that everything works just fine now.

Limebear (talkcontribs)

I am running into similar challenges when attempting to use Cite. Similar to above, I get the following:

According to scientists, the Sun is pretty big.<cite_reference_link> The Moon, however, is not so big.<cite_reference_link>


<cite_references_prefix><cite_references_link_one> <cite_references_link_one><cite_references_suffix>

Could this behavior be caused by the way the IP provided has the environment configured? Any guidance on what I might do next is greatly appreciated.

MediaWiki: 1.20.3 PHP 5.3.23 MySQL 5.3.12

Abagnale (talkcontribs)

Honestly saying, I don't understand, what does it mean:

the way the IP provided has the environment configured

But your example of Cite's behavior is pretty simular to mine, so I guess you are using MediaWiki not in English language (btw, mine is Russian), so you need to go to the SpecialPages of Cite at your wiki and paste there the code like I did.

Limebear (talkcontribs)

Thanks for responding to my query. I believe I read in one of the troubleshooting discussions about Cite that some extensions may not work as expected because some internet providers (IP) have placed operational restrictions that limit the use of certain extensions. I am using MediaWiki in English. Even so, I will attempt to apply the suggested fix. Thanks again for trying to help me.

Abagnale (talkcontribs)

I see now, what did you mean by IP. Well, that's something new, because as far as I know, all the "action" is operated by your browser, and internet provider just transfers the data to you via network. Probably u're talking about your hoster where your website is situated?

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