Topic on Project:Support desk

How to reorder links in the footer and include HTML?

NeedAGoodUsername (talkcontribs)

Site info: MediaWiki 1.20.0
PHP 5.3.15 (cgi-fcgi)
MySQL 5.5.23-55

I followed the guide on Manual:Footer to add a new link to the footer, but it is shown at the end of the links, rather than at the start where I would like it to be, is there anyway I can reorder them?

I have also noticed that MediaWiki:Wikimedia-copyright uses HTML to add a link, however, when I try and do this it does not work, is anything specific needed to be able to use HTML in the footer?

Thanks, NeedAGoodUsername (talk) 14:32, 18 January 2013 (UTC)

MarkAHershberger (talkcontribs)

I haven't tried putting html in MediaWiki:Wikimedia-copyright, but what happens when you do that?

I'm going to guess that it isn't displayed.

Otherwise, look at the wikipage you want to modify and then add ?uselang=qqx to the URL. This will show you what messages you need to modify to change the text.

NeedAGoodUsername (talkcontribs)

Ohh, I never knew I could do that.

I feel that what I have done is not that understandable, so I shall explain it here:

  • In LocalSettings.php I have added:
$wgHooks['SkinTemplateOutputPageBeforeExec'][] = 'lfTOSLink';
function lfTOSLink( $sk, &$tpl ) {
        $tpl->set( 'copyright-notice', $sk->footerLink( 'copyright-notice', 'copyright-noticepage' ) );
        $tpl->data['footerlinks']['places'][] = 'copyright-notice';
        return true;

I would like that footer to do what MediaWiki:Wikimedia-copyright does and for it to be in a different position.

Hopefully that made sense.

MarkAHershberger (talkcontribs)

Try using wiki text?

 Text is available under [//url this license]
NeedAGoodUsername (talkcontribs)

Tried it and it did not work (Image).

Should I send an email to the mailing list?

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