Topic on Project:Support desk

Hide autoconfirmed in list ListGroupRights

3 (talkcontribs)

I want to delete autoconfirmed and set value $wgAutopromote = array(). So, how I can hide autoconfirmed group in page ListGroupRights

Jeffwang (talkcontribs)

If anyone can solve this question I'm applying it to eduWIKI.

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

Special:ListGroupRights just lists all the groups rights. Making sure the group has no rights, will remove it from the list.

Specificly, rights can be specified in the following variables:

  • $wgGroupPermissions
  • $wgRevokePermissions
  • $wgAddGroups
  • $wgRemoveGroups
  • $wgGroupsAddToSelf
  • $wgGroupsRemoveFromSelf

$wgGroupPermissions is the only one you have to worry about in a default config, so the following at the bottom of LocalSettings.php should do it:


If we wanted to be extra sure, you might want to remove it from $wgImplicitGroups as well, but that really just "hides" it from certain menus.

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