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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Template:ApiParam and the translation is 3% complete.
Dokumentacja szablonu
Consider replacing invocations of this template with Special:ApiHelp transclusion (T89318), since filling in this template redundantly repeats API parameter documentation in source code.


This template can be used to document API parameters.

Its intent is to harmonize the appearance of template parameters across all of the API pages.

ApiParam parameters
Parameter Name Description
name (or first unnamed) The parameter name (required).
description (or second unnamed) A description of the parameter.
required Specify a value if the parameter is required. The name of the required parameter will be bolded.
maxallowed For pipe-separated values or numeric quantities, the maximum allowed.
maxallowedbot As above, for bots. If 50 or 500 is used for maxallowed, this will default to 500 or 5000, respectively.
type The data type of the parameter.
values A list of possible values for the parameter.
default The default value for the parameter.
version The version the parameter was introduced in. Use the plain MediaWiki version number only.
deprecated The version the parameter was deprecated in. Use the plain MediaWiki version number only.
removed The version the parameter was removed in. Use the plain MediaWiki version number only.


*{{ApiParam|rcid|One or more recent changes IDs from which to add or remove the tag.|maxallowed=50}}
  • rcid: One or more recent changes IDs from which to add or remove the tag. No more than 50 (500 for bots) allowed.
*{{ApiParam|siprop|Which properties to get|default=general}}
**{{ApiParam|general|General site information}}
  • siprop: Which properties to get (Default: general)

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