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Tgr (WMF) (talkcontribs)

I find the instructions hard to remember and need to re-check them all the time, and with the free-form text I found that a bit time-consuming, so I ended up converting it into an algorithm-like format. Not sure if others also find it helpful so putting it here.

  • determine the condition based on the jsfiddle table
    • likelygood
      • set precision >= 0.995
      • if recall >= 0.9 -> set precision >= 0.997
        • if recall >= 0.9 still -> set precision >= 0.998
      • else if recall < 0.15 (? no value specified in the guide) or that precision is impossible -> set precision >= 0.9
    • maybebad
      • set recall >= 0.9
      • if precision < 0.15 -> set precision >= 0.15
    • likelybad
      •  set precision >= 0.6
      • if recall < 0.2 -> set precision >= 0.45
      • else if verylikelybad precision had to be adjusted down -> set precision >= 0.45 (?)
    • verylikelybad
      •  set precision>=0.9
      • if recall < 0.1 -> set precision >= 0.8
        • if recall < 0.1 still -> set precision >= 0.7
      • else if recall > ? -> set precision >= 0.95
  • adjust to ensure there's no overlap between the threshold range of likelygood and likelybad
  • drop models at the two ends if good precision is impossible
  • drop models in the middle if they are very close to a neighbor
  • write config:
    • omit defaults, which are:
      • likelygood: precision >= 0.995
      • maybebad: recall >= 0.9
      • likelybad: precision >= 0.6
      • verylikelybad: precision >= 0.9 for damaging; disabled for goodfaith
    • precision >= X becomes maximum recall @ precision >= X, recall >= X becomes maximum filter_rate @ recall >= X
    • for damaging good and goodfaith bad, range is 0 - maximum ...@...; for the others it's maximum ...@... - 1
Reply to "Algorithm"
Summary by Tgr (WMF)

Replaced the link in the guide.

Tgr (WMF) (talkcontribs)

I made a visually nicer version of the fiddle, with a workaround for T232855. Putting it here until I'm a bit more confident of it being functionally correct.

Score ends with an incomplete sentence

SBisson (WMF) (talkcontribs)

The 3rd bullet point, "Score", ends with an incomplete sentence that starts with "ORES scores have"

Roan Kattouw (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Thanks. I'm sure I had something that I wanted to write there, but I don't remember what it was, so I've just deleted it.

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