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October 2011 Coding Challenge/Timeline

From mediawiki.org

A high-level project plan of all high-level tasks, with associated owners. All dates and tasks are tentative. No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy.  :)

Task Description/Notes Owner Due Date Status
Draft project plan A first basic collection of all high-level tasks required to launch Weekend of Code. gregdek 2011-09-09 complete!
"Final" project plan Names next to all tasks, everyone agrees in principle. This list will evolve continually. gregdek 2011-09-12 ok!
Submit to Legal Since we're running a contest, we need to be sure that legal has enough time to give us clearance. We should engage with them as soon as we've got enough information for them to go on: prizes, rules for participation, etc. We've already got a draft of a similar contest that we can review as a potential starting point. gregdek+erik 2011-09-16 Engaged with Gwyn and going well.
ATS Requirements ATS = Applicant Tracking System. We need a basic system to (a) allow users to say "yes I'm participating", (b) allow them to submit timestamped code, (c) provide a way of associating simple status with users, (d) provide a way to communicate with participants, (e) provide a simple overview of all users, contact info, status, and submission links. There may be more reqs here, but by this point we need to have them finalized as best we can. gregdek 2011-09-12 Requirements are evolving here: WMF Projects/Weekend of Code/Judging Infrastructure
ATS Development Someone needs to build the thing, don't they? jeroen 2011-09-27 JeroenDeDauw is working on this. First code drop: 9/30.
ATS Deployment Someone needs to deploy the thing, don't they? jeroen 2011-10-11 Not ok
ATS Testing Someone needs to test the thing, don't they? Oh wait, that's me. gregdek 2011-10-02 First round of testing scheduled for October 2nd.
Sample Projects: Mobile We need a handful of sample projects for potential entrants to take on. tfinc 2011-09-23 Done. Goal now is to finalize contests.
Sample Projects: Gadgets We need a handful of sample projects for potential entrants to take on. alolita 2011-09-23 Done. Goal now is to finalize contests.
Sample Projects: Extensions We need a handful of sample projects for potential entrants to take on. rob 2011-09-23 Done. Goal now is to finalize contests.
Select Final Contests. We've got a number of possible projects on Etherpad; it's time to select the winning challenges. Must do this soon, as messaging depends on the choices. gregdek 2011-10-04 ok!
Judging Infrastructure/Requirements: Mobile We need infrastructure to allow us to judge mobile apps quickly. tfinc 2011-11-08 ok!
Judging Infrastructure/Requirements: Extensions We need infrastructure to allow us to judge extensions quickly. rob 2011-11-08 ok!
Judging Infrastructure/Requirements: Gadgets We need infrastructure to allow us to judge gadgets quickly. alolita 2011-11-08 ok!
Banner Messaging The killer elevator pitch for the banner. gregdek 2011-09-30 ok!
Email Copy Various emails are going to need to be written: initial "welcome to contest" emails, reminder emails at 14/7/3/1 day, contest closed email, etc. gregdek 2011-09-30 ok!
Documentation Review We absolutely must have outstanding and clear documentation for as much of this process as we can. Basic HOWTOs for: 1. Installing the right version of MW; 2. Writing a basic extension; 3. Writing a basic gadget; 4. Writing a basic mobile app (phonegap?); 5. APIs; 6. Other stuff. This is a note to review, and after the review is done, we must address shortcomings as best we can. gregdek 2011-09-30 I'm only nervous because I don't have a sense yet of the state of these docs. Could be fine; could be scary. We will know this week.
Signup Form The content for the signup pages. What questions do we ask? What data do we capture? gregdek 2011-09-16 We've got some of this in the ATS requirements; likely insufficient, will review as part of ATS review.
Contest Rules Rules, Tech Requirements / Platform, List of Example Projects, How to Participate, Firm Dates, Prizes. Note: much of this is a requirement for legal! gregdek, alolita, rob, tfinc, gwyn 2011-09-23 Gwyn is working on the legally sticky parts of this draft, but it seems as though we have basic agreement. Need to nail down details for Gwyn by 9/30.
Contest Pages Once we have the rules nailed down, we'll need a first draft of the actual contest pages themselves. gregdek 2011-09-30 ok!
Banner Design We need pretty banners to compel people to participate. gregdek -> Brandon Harris? 2011-09-30 ok!
Banner Translation The banner should run in as many languages as we can put it in, and it should be clear that the project will be run in English. gregdek -> translatewiki.net TBA ok!
Start contest, run the banner At some specified date, the banner will actually have to run. TBA 2011-10-18 ok!
Shepherd the lost During the contest, monitor transmissions, guide participants, make runtime decisions, run communications gregdek, sumanah TBA probably need to split into additional tasks
Judging begins After the contest, run the judgment process and communicate publicly and with participants with results gregdek 2011-11-08 Proposing a month of judging time.
Judging closes, announcements to winners We need to have a reasonable time to allow judging to happen. gregdek 2011-12-06 OK for now, flesh out more here.