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Meetings/Test framework/2010-09-24

From mediawiki.org

Meeting schedule with milestones:

  • IRC Sept 17 - send out proposed configuration (with prototype code)
  • Sept 24 - more or less working dynamic configuration, with a test or two actually using it
  • IRC Oct 1 - dynamic config problem solved, and a couple of extension tests, initial test runs on the grid
  • Oct 8
  • IRC Oct 15 - running smoothly on the grid
  • Oct 22 - finished

Past action items:

  • (in progress) dnessett/mglaser: Add database cleanup function for tests to run (look at how parser tests do this)
  • (in progress) mglaser: write specification for setting and cleanup of db/images/math/cache for each test suite.
  • (in progress) Priyanka: Dynamic confuguration - cookie + hook. No writing to file
  • Priyanka: figure out disk space problem on ci.tesla
  • Priyanka: get phpunit tests running again on ci.tesla
  • Priyanka - discuss configuration file for running tests - figure out how to run a subset of tests, and dynamic selection of tests (Mostly done. Need to finish writing some tests)
  • (in progress) Markus: figure out how to run Selenium tests from Cruisecontrol.
  • (done) dnessett: look into how parserTests creates temporary tables and figure out if we can reuse that code.


  • Markus/Robla/anyone else - jump into the thread about setup/cleanup
  • dnessett/mglaser: Add database cleanup function for tests to run (look at how parser tests do this)
  • mglaser: write specification for setting and cleanup of db/images/math/cache for each test suite.
  • Priyanka: Dynamic confuguration - cookie + hook - Incorporate Roan's feedback. Check in basic code. Post to wikitech-l
  • Priyanka: Incorporate Michelle's tests and Calcey's tests
  • Markus: get SMW selenium tests
  • Priyanka: figure out disk space problem on ci.tesla
  • Priyanka: get phpunit tests running again on ci.tesla
  • Markus: figure out how to run Selenium tests from Cruisecontrol.
  • Markus: check in dan's code on starting/stopping the selenium server


  • Priyanka - discuss configuration file for running tests - figure out how to run a subset of tests, and dynamic selection of tests (Mostly done. Need to finish writing some tests)