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MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group/Mission

From mediawiki.org

Communication and coordination among MediaWiki users


We will be a nexus of support for MediaWiki users outside the Wikimedia sites. Users outside the WMF have a lot of experience. Still, there is a need to provide answers to their support questions. These users improve MediaWiki with extensions and share common problems. MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group aims to give them a voice to share their experience and coordinate their efforts.

Coordination between different groups of MediaWiki developers and operators


Core changes can sometimes break widely used extensions, but they also have the potential to greatly improve widely used extensions. Extension developers find bugs, improve core code and simply rely on the core. Operators of wikis outside WMF have their own issues, but could greatly benefit from and contribute to the experience of people running the Wikimedia sites.

Foster the ecosystem around MediaWiki


We recognize there is a range of developers, consultants, and companies that work with MediaWiki and improve functionality for their customers. We want to build a friendly environment for them to share their work and give them visibility. In addition, we want to make it easier for people seeking professional services and support to be able to find help.

Facilitate implementation of MediaWiki features


There is a need for features that are not in the core focus of Wikimedia sites, but could greatly improve the user experience of other wikis. Through the MediaWiki Cooperation, we aim to be able to support the development of these features.

Improve documentation of extensions and MediaWiki visibility


The documentation of MediaWiki, especially its extensions, is a key success factor for its use outside of Wikimedia sites. We aim to improve the quality of documentation and make it easier for outside users to assess the benefit and quality of extensions.

Contribute to the development of MediaWiki


By watching the proposed changes to MediaWiki and assessing the impact to users outside of the Wikimedia sites, we want to ensure the full utilization of the software by on non-WMF wikis. We will also commit to contributing our improvements and work towards their inclusion in the main product.