MediaWiki 1.36/wmf.9/Changelog
Core changes
[edit]- git #7269b6b5 - Branch commit for wmf/1.36.0-wmf.9 (T257977) by trainbranchbot
- git #aedb7dce - Remove use of global $wgUser in Language::dateFormat and ::userAdjust (T246862) by DannyS712
- git #aa760f44 - Remove WikiPage::insertProtectNullRevision (T262874) by DannyS712
- git #50fe6326 - Remove some space indenting by Reedy
- git #370856f0 - Remove use of $wgUser from LogFormatterTest, unneeded (T243708) by DannyS712
- git #6f0da948 - Remove User::addNewUserLogEntry (T243708) by DannyS712
- git #4f595b7a - Remove problematic fallback skinname property (T262233) by Ammar Abdulhamid
- git #5d798707 - Change 'width' to 'max-width' for Special:MovePage form by Bartosz Dziewoński
- git #0d76375f - Hard deprecate BaseTemplate::getToolbox() (T255321) by Ammar Abdulhamid
- git #c51c4951 - Require user with FOR_THIS_USER in WikiPage (T248548) by DannyS712
- git #7d80fc0a - Remove $wgAllowImageMoving, deprecated (T245293) by DannyS712
- git #987c7238 - Make ApiSandbox copyable URL absolute by Gergő Tisza
- git #5cf9ac00 - Reduce use of $wgUser in EditPageTest (T243708) by DannyS712
- git #3d18c1de - Remove use of $wgUser in ApiUserrightsTest (T243708) by DannyS712
- git #fa14e5f1 - RequestContextTest: No need to set $wgUser (T243708) by DannyS712
- git #addb098c - Deprecate DatabaseBlock methods moved to DatabaseBlockStore by Thalia
- git #b278c740 - Update and fix typos of specialPageAliases for Arabic (ar) by Meno25
- git #81ac2fc8 - PHPUnit integration tests: fix handling of null user in editPage() by Ostrzyciel
- git #a522937a - Updating doctrine/dbal (2.10.2 => 2.10.4) by Reedy
- git #66f73541 - Updating doctrine/sql-formatter (1.1.0 => 1.1.1) by Reedy
- git #9e0d0781 - Update composer/spdx-licenses from 1.5.3 to 1.5.4 by Reedy
- git #f05cdf0f - Remove some hard deprecated Article methods (T248548) by DannyS712
- git #5205e109 - Revert "Move notification overlay outside $content" by Dmaza
- git #afc2517b - Move activating of makeCollapsible out of '' (T260642) by Fomafix
- git #4d5f0d30 - Update Vector lang portlet classes in js preview. (T262374) by Ammar Abdulhamid
- git #ce81a719 - Remove File::recordUpload and its overrides (T262706) by DannyS712
- git #9074c0f0 - Preload mediawiki.watchstar.widgets before api request by Dayllan Maza
- git #5723f1fa - Remove figure-inline from the set of allowed tags in the Sanitizer (T251641) by Arlo Breault
- git #6adc634b - RELEASE-NOTES-1.35: Remove empty sections (T259349) by Reedy
- git #d8915792 - FeedUtils::checkFeedOutput add $output parameter (T252979) by DannyS712
- git #ea87ebb5 - Fix skin override config flags, wrong way round by jdlrobson
- git #6ca0d155 - SpecialBlockTest: Add coverage for the user talk edit flag by Thalia
- git #7cffa717 - Remove deprecated ways to call WikiPage::doDeleteArticleReal (T248509) by DannyS712
- git #f12e3501 - resourceloader: Fix incorrect order of feature stylesheets (T262507) by mainframe98
- git #83a95208 - build: Auto-fix npm audit issues (T262438) by alqaholic007
- git #806aa78e - UploadFromUrlTest: don't make a real request (T262443) by daniel
- git #264d043d - Remove support for (Archived|OldLocal)File::userCan without a user (T247801) by DannyS712
- git #ed6711b6 - Remove support for LogEventsList::userCan* functions without a user (T245704) by DannyS712
- git #b82b1cc6 - Remove LogEventsList::typeAction support for rights (T246412) by DannyS712
- git #e834b31b - Use recordUpload3, hard deprecate recordUpload2 (T248813) by DannyS712
- git #5f076458 - Remove uses of $wgUser in api token methods (T243708) by DannyS712
- git #7b0396a6 - Remove LogEventsList::getExcludeClause fallback to $wgUser (T246413) by DannyS712
- git #5dbdacf6 - Remove support for FileDeleteForm::doDelete without a user (T245801) by DannyS712
- git #66d29c52 - watch.ajax: Add expiry support to event (T261970) by Dayllan Maza
- git #603cf919 - EditPage: Fix member call on boolean when undo is impossible (T262463) by Ostrzyciel
- git #d09014b3 - Use User::getInstanceForUpdate to update user on SpecialConfirmEmail (T226337) by Ammar Abdulhamid
- git #70f07bfd - resources: Update jquery-client from 2.0.2 to 3.0.0 (T262223) by James D. Forrester
- git #a35ec765 - phpunit: fail on warnings by Umherirrender
- git #dcc88f70 - Deprecate Skin::mainPageLink (T257996) by Ammar Abdulhamid
- git #1e1f1f67 - Add section heading message for "Discussion pages" section in prefs/editing (T259943) by Ed Sanders
- git #9cf6be92 - Update OOUI to v0.40.3 (T245824) (T249167) (T258337) (T258428) (T259551) (T259906) (T259912) (T260519) (T261314) by James D. Forrester
- git #3b71d54b - Check existing watchitem when saving action=watch (T260009) by Sam Wilson
- git #bf55265e - Disable section editing on non-current revision. (T251680) (T161199) by Ammar Abdulhamid
- git #6ab14857 - resourceloader: Give SkinModule 'features' option an extensible default (T252774) by jdlrobson
- git #cd5ea0d5 - Unit tests: simplify setTemporaryHook() (T255056) by daniel
- git #d206da0e - CSS 'class' names can be an array in Html::…element by Thiemo Kreuz
- git #aab5619d - HookContainer: fix clear() and scopedRegister(). (T255056) by daniel
- git #a7d5f405 - Remove deprecated api token hooks (T248022) by DannyS712
- git #ec158a4a - specials: Fix PhanUndeclaredProperty violation in SpecialTags by Thiemo Kreuz
- git #64ef8f95 - specials: HTMLForm::factory() method calls can be chained by Thiemo Kreuz
- git #b4c32cf3 - don't pass null page id to page related queries for category change rdf dumps (T260232) by Ariel T. Glenn
- git #cf004d52 - Remove requirement for ApiWatchlistTrait to be in ApiBase. (T262175) (T248512) by Ammar Abdulhamid
- git #c467b059 - Fix documentation of Skin::buildSidebar() by Ammar Abdulhamid
- git #b0c18769 - Migrate category to abstract schema (T164898) (T230428) by Amir Sarabadani
- git #cd7a28d3 - Migrate iwlinks to abstract schema (T164898) (T230428) by Amir Sarabadani
- git #17703415 - Migrate langlinks to abstract schema (T164898) (T230428) by Amir Sarabadani
- git #fe562a64 - user: Document User::add/removeWatch behavior on special pages by Thiemo Kreuz
- git #5c9f874f - Move notification overlay outside $content (T260413) (T260262) (T260432) by Sam Wilson
- git #3fb4e2ca - Add a link from a deleted page to that page's logs (T261087) by mw:User:ST47
- git #41d2cb79 - don't include null page ids in query list for category dumps (T260232) by Ariel T. Glenn
- git #063a528b - profiler: Use PSR-3 logging in Profiler and ProfilerOutput classes by Timo Tijhof
- git #47ddeba2 - profiler: Warn from ProfilerOutputDump::log() for incompatible profilers by Timo Tijhof
- git #7ab1fe13 - context: Throw from recursive calls to RequestContext::getLanguage by Timo Tijhof
- git #6d9b34ca - rdbms: Log debug message traces as 'exception.trace' instead of 'trace' (T233342) by Timo Tijhof
- git #6d4fb2b1 - MediaWikiIntegrationTestCase: Fix reference to method in documentation by Thalia
- git #9dccdf2e - Set .editorconfig to use spaces instead of tabs on YAML files (T253594) by David Barratt
- git #0ac79b19 - ApiLogoutTest: Remove use of global $wgUser (T243708) by DannyS712
[edit]- git #fc5e41db - Bump parsoid to 0.13.0-a9 (T51538) (T262636) (T262454) (T108504) by Arlo Breault
- git #f9e02d5e - Updating monolog/monolog (1.25.3 => 1.25.5) by Reedy
- git #d7b17d8e - Update OOUI to v0.40.3 by James D. Forrester
[edit]No changes for 3D
[edit]- git #1601bbf0 - Reduce direct references to $wgUser (T246733) by DannyS712
- git #98f808ca - build: Updating bl to 4.0.3 by libraryupgrader
- git #1bd6f2aa - AbuseFilterViewEdit: only invoke Language::filterNum on a numeric string (T237467) by C. Scott Ananian
- git #679c777c - AbuseFilter: Remove duplicate filter log link by Ammar Abdulhamid
[edit]No changes for ActiveAbstract
[edit]- git #38127962 - build: Update eslint-config-wikimedia to 0.17.0 by Ed Sanders
- git #8ced763d - Fix instances of variable shadowing by Ed Sanders
- git #d336678b - Replace deprecated PHPUnit assertContains by Thiemo Kreuz
- git #09bb7ca9 - Fix broken message for unknown sort orders (T197525) by Thiemo Kreuz
[edit]- git #05b56c79 - Use PermissionManager in AntiSpoofPreAuthenticationProvider by Umherirrender
[edit]- git #9caa8476 - build: Update dev dependencies by zoranzoki21
[edit]No changes for ArticleCreationWorkflow
[edit]- git #3446a60a - build: Use existing eslint also for json linting (T220036) by Umherirrender
[edit]No changes for Babel
[edit]No changes for BetaFeatures
[edit]No changes for BounceHandler
[edit]No changes for Calendar
[edit]No changes for Campaigns
[edit]No changes for Capiunto
[edit]No changes for CategoryTree
[edit]- git #5d7a240b - build: eslint fixups by Ed Sanders
- git #29815049 - Make it possible to remove rights that no longer exist (T241503) by DannyS712
- git #e363df1a - Disallow renaming own accounts with Special:GlobalRenameQueue (T111789) by Taavi Väänänen
[edit]- git #dd455495 - Add FinalizeChooseAndMaybeDisplay hook, fix main banner history fallback issues (T236285) (T255810) by Andrew Green
- git #bdf45990 - Campaign fallback follow-up: refactor data handling and some methods (T232235) (T236845) (T232236) (T255810) (T261718) by Andrew Green
- git #68763143 - build: Update eslint-config-wikimedia to 0.17.0 by Ed Sanders
- git #9657e19c - Use struct equality per the styleguide by Ed Sanders
- git #46ed0e08 - Replace deprecated `background-image-svg()` mixin calls (T248062) by Volker E
- git #a5b7402f - Remove IE 6 & 7 hasLayout hacks (T258199) by Huji Lee
- git #05f807a4 - Suppress PhanTypeMismatchReturn for CNBannerPage::getNavigationBar() by Margaret Epps
- git #0c1a1c5e - Remove unused bannerController RL modules (T224034) by Andrew Green
- git #eacd850b - Speed up BannerMessageGroup's getKeys and getDefinitions. (T221119) by Niklas Laxström
- git #fdfc805e - ESLint: Enforce jQuery variable pattern by Ed Sanders
- git #44d70bb9 - Don't show Admin UI tabs on subscribing wikis by Andrew Green
[edit]No changes for CharInsert
[edit]- git #bf0477ab - Add Spanish aliases for Investigate by MarcoAurelio
- git #f0f13c44 - Only pass a curid if the page exists (T260713) by Huji Lee
[edit]- git #ff69c144 - build: Update eslint-config-wikimedia to 0.17.0 by Ed Sanders
- git #3de095f5 - Use strict equality where possible by Ed Sanders
- git #d54b9566 - Do not use same named variable in the upper scope in javascript by Umherirrender
- git #3b1115cb - InterleavedResultSet should implement SearchMetricsProvider by Erik Bernhardson
[edit]- git #085aaf49 - build: Updating bl to 4.0.3 by libraryupgrader
[edit]No changes for CiteThisPage
[edit]- git #f67b1613 - Move Wikibase globals to /wikibase by Ed Sanders
- git #319f25e9 - Fix documentation warnings by Ed Sanders
- git #7c59825e - eslint: Fix no-shadow warnings by Ed Sanders
[edit]- git #bdb642e4 - build: Use existing eslint also for json linting (T220036) by Umherirrender
[edit]- git #d473f901 - Change "save" to "publish" in a message by Amir Aharoni
[edit]No changes for CodeMirror
[edit]- git #b62011b3 - Remove use of $wgUser in emailNotifyUsersOfChanges (T242677) by DannyS712
- git #ca945326 - Reduce direct references to $wgOut (T252978) by DannyS712
[edit]No changes for Cognate
[edit]- git #a852e7b1 - build: Use existing eslint also for json linting (T220036) by Umherirrender
[edit]No changes for CommonsMetadata
[edit]No changes for ConfirmEdit
[edit]No changes for CongressLookup
[edit]- git #1e59b743 - build: Cleanup jsonlint config by Umherirrender
[edit]- git #9a0bc5f7 - CX3 Build 0.1.0+20200914 by Santhosh Thottingal
- git #8585e779 - SXSectionSelector: Fix UI glitch for section item buttons (T259016) by NikG
- git #76143599 - SX tests: Miscellaneous clean up by Santhosh Thottingal
- git #3ba5c9d1 - SXContentComparator: Add new section placeholder inside target article (T259492) by NikG
- git #912c04ef - SXSentenceSelector: Implement translation action buttons (T259502) by NikG
- git #62de00da - SX Refactoring: Add currentSourceSection state variable by NikG
- git #ec12768a - build: Updating bl to 4.0.3 by libraryupgrader
- git #2bc8600f - CX3 Build 0.1.0+20200903 by Santhosh Thottingal
- git #d231f5b5 - SXContentComparator: Fix content on current section change by NikG
- git #263caeb7 - Vuex store: Remove fetchPageMetadata request for fetchPageContent action by NikG
- git #bfbe4453 - SX: Use sitemapper instead of hardcoded wikipedia links by NikG
- git #2ef1ac27 - SXArticleSelector: Refactor to smaller components by NikG
- git #7fb18b45 - SX: Avoid using @ alias in non-Vue source files by Santhosh Thottingal
- git #2f3647db - Sentence segmentation: Use cxserver api to fetch segmented content by NikG
[edit]No changes for CreditsSource
[edit]No changes for Dashiki
[edit]No changes for Disambiguator
[edit]- git #92a8ca34 - Documentation fix by Ed Sanders
- git #5b20503e - Log when the advanced mode panel is toggled (T261816) by David Lynch
- git #ebaa132e - Edit summary in advanced mode (T249391) by Ed Sanders
- git #38b5a9c0 - Create preference for turning off reply tool once out of beta (T259943) by Ed Sanders
- git #34fb7c64 - utils: Avoid Node#contains for IE 11 support (T260061) by Bartosz Dziewoński
- git #d4f67918 - Skip over whitespace when looking for trailing comments (T257651) by Ed Sanders
- git #c439b3c3 - Add "Advanced" & "Comment summary" messages for upcoming feature by Ed Sanders
- git #f96678d5 - Factor out availability check by Ed Sanders
- git #965f3170 - Use Language::formatNumNoSeparators where appropriate by C. Scott Ananian
- git #a59dee8e - Fix 'discussiontoolsedit' API module description by Bartosz Dziewoński
- git #2cc39f2b - Add topic API (T259563) by Ed Sanders
- git #ebe2071d - Upstream setPending to ReplyWidget by Ed Sanders
- git #14fb0135 - Match handling of "signature scan limit" between JS and PHP by Bartosz Dziewoński
[edit]- git #83f54160 - build: Use existing eslint also for json linting (T220036) by Umherirrender
[edit]- git #b5a33eb8 - Remove references to $wgUser in comments (T245959) by DannyS712
- git #55f523df - Revert "Send donors to details instead of pay" (T261355) by Elliott Eggleston
- git #fed6a018 - Sic Procrustes on transactionSpecificValues (T261058) by Elliott Eggleston
[edit]- git #28d66e4e - build: Install eslint and stylelint; drop jsonlint (T220036) by James D. Forrester
[edit]No changes for DynamicSidebar
[edit]- git #357c8224 - NotificationsTest: No need to set $wgUser (T243732) by DannyS712
- git #c20f21f7 - Update description comment for eps_topic (T261756) by Michael Holloway
- git #4abfbd3c - Normalize eps_topic (T261756) by jgiannelos
- git #a585ad63 - Explicitly provide sysop user in unit tests that need it by Ostrzyciel
- git #f021dbf0 - build: Updating bl to 4.0.3 by libraryupgrader
[edit]No changes for Elastica
[edit]- git #5a8e933c - build: Updating bl to 4.0.3 by libraryupgrader
[edit]- git #37558985 - Pass a user when creating ParserOptions (T246861) by DannyS712
- git #f96ee41f - build: Use existing eslint also for json linting (T220036) by Umherirrender
- git #13e6e22c - Fix phpunit dataprovider with duplicate key by Umherirrender
[edit]- git #4fd2ddbf - Serialize body for the event that is too big (T262462) by Petr Pchelko
[edit]- git #df899240 - build: Use existing eslint also for json linting (T220036) by Umherirrender
[edit]- git #92451a93 - Add docs and tests about boolean settings and constraints by Ottomata
- git #c5bdfd98 - Default to using API json formatversion=2 (T251609) by Ottomata
- git #1df162f9 - Make canary_events_enabled an 'internal' setting (T251609) by Ottomata
[edit]No changes for ExtensionDistributor
[edit]- git #8962be12 - build: Use existing eslint also for json linting (T220036) by Umherirrender
[edit]- git #2b3901ab - build: Install eslint and stylelint; drop jsonlint (T220036) by James D. Forrester
[edit]No changes for FileExporter
[edit]- git #4e51d085 - build: Updating bl to 4.0.3 by libraryupgrader
[edit]- git #f6afdb8d - Fix a typo - "invelidtitle" (T201491) by DannyS712
- git #3ee734e9 - Replace usage of deprecated SkinTemplateNavigation hook (T255319) by pwirth
- git #60d595bd - Update ApiWatchlistTrait::getWatchlistValue() call to provide user (T262175) by Ammar Abdulhamid
- git #5763ebed - eslint cleanup by Ed Sanders
[edit]- git #55cc0d8e - convertToText - use ParserOptions::newFromAnon (T246861) by DannyS712
[edit]No changes for FundraiserLandingPage
[edit]No changes for FundraisingTranslateWorkflow
[edit]No changes for Gadgets
[edit]No changes for GeoCrumbs
[edit]- git #d55e44b5 - build: Use existing eslint also for json linting (T220036) by Umherirrender
[edit]- git #84a0fa02 - build: Use existing eslint also for json linting (T220036) by Umherirrender
[edit]No changes for GlobalBlocking
[edit]No changes for GlobalCssJs
[edit]No changes for GlobalPreferences
[edit]No changes for GlobalUsage
[edit]No changes for GlobalUserPage
[edit]- git #68943286 - Fix metrics heading ("collection") by DannyS712
- git #b49c0ec1 - Switch documentation to use jsdoc (T138401) by DannyS712
- git #63d1f00b - Show timestamps for entries (T262176) by DannyS712
- git #20be8147 - Track when users manually change preferences (T262235) by DannyS712
- git #985256a3 - Add a GuidedTour for Special:GlobalWatchlistSettings (T262167) by DannyS712
- git #9e4a9c6d - Add handling for API failures when fetching watchlist (T261580) by DannyS712
- git #bea8ce4c - Set `Api-User-Agent` in api calls (T262177) by DannyS712
- git #6df11b7b - Inject GlobalWatchlistLinker into site classes by DannyS712
[edit]No changes for GoogleNewsSitemap
[edit]No changes for Graph
[edit]- git #103c0f35 - Add special page aliases for Swedish (sv) (T257220) by Roan Kattouw
- git #9a6eaaba - Add special page aliases for Portuguese (pt) (T255027) by Roan Kattouw
- git #0f41086b - Show a skeleton animation while the small task card is loading by Gergő Tisza
- git #ec7d8a0e - Extract task card loading skeleton CSS rules into mixin by Gergő Tisza
- git #0b75cee8 - Fix task card image loading animation by Gergő Tisza
- git #6e4e2ee7 - Do not fatal when the task suggester returns an error by Gergő Tisza
- git #6ee6f2ff - Homepage: Fix mobile summary styling when not wrapped in a link (T258008) by Roan Kattouw
- git #625da1d0 - Define minimum height for SE module on desktop (T238231) by Kosta Harlan
- git #8afdd3f8 - Protect against empty task preview data (T258024) by Kosta Harlan
- git #9208b895 - Disable suggested edits navigation and result count until fully loaded (T258021) by Gergő Tisza
- git #c8f5fb0a - StartEditingDialog: Make the mobile info icon also launch the dialog (T258016) by Roan Kattouw
- git #79935db2 - StartEditingDialog: Display without topic selector in variant C (T258016) by Roan Kattouw
- git #314397c7 - Fix the first element of the suggested edits task queue on page load (T258024) by Gergő Tisza
- git #2d49a486 - Suggested Edits: Variant C, add info icon (T258020) (T262032) by Kosta Harlan
- git #b9a45080 - Suggested edits: Make info icon on mobile smaller (T262018) by Kosta Harlan
- git #3906856a - Suggested edits: Decrease space between pager and card (T262032) by Kosta Harlan
- git #b30a3690 - Suggested Edits: Footer fills flush to bottom (T262032) by Kosta Harlan
- git #1ad920a8 - Suggested Edits: Set filter icon max width to 20px (T262018) by Kosta Harlan
- git #69f89b38 - Suggested Edits: Adjust task card for desktop (T258704) by Kosta Harlan
- git #6d02beaa - Add special page aliases for Polish (pl) (T254239) by Roan Kattouw
- git #0028d199 - Utils: Add isUserinVariant method by Kosta Harlan
- git #73f35c0a - Suggested Edits: Increase card height on desktop (T258704) by Kosta Harlan
- git #3eb19c9f - Suggested Edits: Transparent border on activated module (T258704) by Kosta Harlan
- git #52afe047 - Suggested Edits: Increase size of previous/next arrows (T258704) by Kosta Harlan
- git #cbba7ee8 - Suggested Edits: Remove skeleton class from pager after tasks fetched (T238231) by Kosta Harlan
- git #19904759 - Suggested Edits: Increase space between pager and card (T258704) by Kosta Harlan
- git #a7562f18 - Suggested Edits: Reusable time and difficulty info function (T258704) by Kosta Harlan
- git #156685b5 - Suggested Edits: Extend footer to bottom of module (T258704) by Kosta Harlan
[edit]No changes for GuidedTour
[edit]No changes for GWToolset
[edit]No changes for ImageMap
[edit]No changes for InputBox
[edit]No changes for Insider
[edit]- git #9aeda41b - Minor cleanup for readability by DannyS712
[edit]- git #1bbcce88 - Fix tabbing (T100052) by Bartosz Dziewoński
[edit]No changes for InterwikiSorting
[edit]- git #ecab26df - EntityBuilder: Pass a user to ParserOptions (T246861) by DannyS712
- git #05095d66 - Remove uses of $wgUser in PageEntityProposalSetStorageTest (T241915) by DannyS712
- git #2347efe4 - Remove TestStorageHelper::makeEdit use of $wgUser (T241915) by DannyS712
- git #0f8a4d79 - Remove TestStorageHelper::saveJudgment use of $wgUser (T241915) by DannyS712
- git #1c6247a3 - Fixed undo edit page Jade wrong labels bug (T256812) by kevinbazira
- git #0d49d307 - Narrowed down Jade width on undo edit page (T256800) by kevinbazira
[edit]No changes for Josa
[edit]No changes for JsonConfig
[edit]No changes for Kartographer
[edit]No changes for LabeledSectionTransclusion
[edit]No changes for LandingCheck
[edit]- git #60d1a233 - Remove use of $wgAuth by Umherirrender
[edit]No changes for Linter
[edit]- git #7fd2d160 - Remove mention of $wgUser in a comment (T245959) by DannyS712
- git #ea227fbd - build: Use existing eslint also for json linting (T220036) by Umherirrender
[edit]No changes for Listings
[edit]No changes for LocalisationUpdate
[edit]No changes for LoginNotify
[edit]No changes for MachineVision
[edit]No changes for MapSources
[edit]- git #ee2ea8aa - eslint: Remove linting exceptions by Ed Sanders
[edit]- git #b3252601 - Remove unused non-global $wgUser in wfTest (T248550) by DannyS712
- git #be3a3f42 - i18n: Fix typo 'occured' (T201491) by MarcoAurelio
[edit]No changes for MediaModeration
[edit]- git #790f88a5 - build: Use existing eslint also for json linting (T220036) by Umherirrender
[edit]- git #b91e0e66 - Fixes TypeError: e.(on|off) is not a function by jdlrobson
- git #c6253cad - Iterate transforms in array (T261769) by Peter Ovchyn
- git #18436a8a - Remove noImages parameter from mobile API and all its artifacts (T262580) by Peter Ovchyn
- git #69692c0d - SECURITY: Remove regex section line replacement from PageGateway (T262213) by Nicholas Ray
- git #21e8be7a - Ignore template styles when looking for lead paragraph by Ed Sanders
- git #de55ec35 - Rename MobileFormatter::filterContent with MobileFormatter::applyTransforms (T261769) by Peter Ovchyn
- git #68c6ff23 - Redesign the mobile block message drawer to show long reasons (T261178) by Thalia
[edit]No changes for MultimediaViewer
[edit]- git #cad07e95 - Fix MediaWiki.Commenting.FunctionComment.MissingDocumentationPublic by zoranzoki21
- git #60464d2d - Collect some attribution for layout shifts (T259784) by gilles
[edit]- git #31a02631 - build: Updating bl to 4.0.3 by libraryupgrader
[edit]No changes for NewUserMessage
[edit]No changes for Nuke
[edit]No changes for OATHAuth
[edit]- git #56400586 - OAuth: Unit tests for new endpoints (T259043) by arttsymbar
- git #16e37990 - eslint cleanup by Ed Sanders
[edit]No changes for OAuthRateLimiter
[edit]No changes for OpenStackManager
[edit]- git #2ff76835 - Remove $wgUser setting in ChangesListHooksHandlerTest (T245959) by DannyS712
- git #8ed9d7be - build: Updating bl to 4.0.3 by libraryupgrader
- git #f85e3a64 - Let the special page factory construct the SpecialPages by mainframe98
[edit]No changes for PageAssessments
[edit]No changes for PagedTiffHandler
[edit]No changes for PageImages
[edit]- git #52f7944a - build: Use existing eslint also for json linting (T220036) by Umherirrender
- git #ff089526 - Replace deprecated assertArraySubset by Umherirrender
[edit]- git #c0e9eefe - build: Use existing eslint also for json linting (T220036) by Umherirrender
[edit]No changes for ParserFunctions
[edit]No changes for PdfHandler
[edit]No changes for Petition
[edit]No changes for Poem
[edit]No changes for PoolCounter
[edit]No changes for Popups
[edit]- git #6cd19fac - Remove $wgUser setting in PageContentTest (T245959) by DannyS712
- git #cdaac980 - Use Language::formatNumNoSeparators where appropriate by C. Scott Ananian
- git #534685d6 - build: Updating bl to 4.0.3 by libraryupgrader
- git #63d8344c - Fix updateButton not getting activated on NumberInput change (T54321) by Sohom
[edit]- git #d76d97bb - Remove $wgUser use in GetSuggestionsTest (T245959) by DannyS712
[edit]No changes for QuickSurveys
[edit]- git #0c139c9f - Tests: Pass a user when creating ParserOptions objects (T246861) by DannyS712
- git #0e1d7554 - build: Use existing eslint also for json linting (T220036) by Umherirrender
[edit]- git #5f29fa1e - build: Use existing eslint also for json linting (T220036) by Umherirrender
- git #487c41e5 - Remove wrapping transaction from fixListSize (T262575) by Michael Holloway
[edit]- git #60c14ea5 - build: Updating bl to 4.0.3 by libraryupgrader
[edit]No changes for Renameuser
[edit]- git #49d6f1ef - build: Update eslint-config-wikimedia to 0.17.0 by Ed Sanders
[edit]No changes for RSS
[edit]No changes for SandboxLink
[edit]No changes for Score
[edit]- git #2bec230e - Use Language::formatNumNoSeparators where appropriate by C. Scott Ananian
[edit]No changes for SearchExtraNS
[edit]- git #e160659b - Updating domains.php from Mozilla by SecureLinkFixer updater bot
- git #0550fc91 - build: Use existing eslint also for json linting (T220036) by Umherirrender
[edit]No changes for SecurePoll
[edit]No changes for ShortUrl
[edit]No changes for SiteMatrix
[edit]No changes for SpamBlacklist
[edit]No changes for SubPageList3
[edit]No changes for SubpageSortkey
[edit]No changes for SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi
[edit]- git #ac0630ed - Add all missing PHPDoc comments by Thiemo Kreuz
- git #f2306a2e - Make properties in TemplateDataBlob private by Thiemo Kreuz
- git #53d6c2fc - Make subclass constructors properly call each other by Thiemo Kreuz
- git #10971b61 - Make TemplateDataBlob::normaliseInterfaceText() private by Thiemo Kreuz
- git #62ac9da1 - Use more canonical (object)[] instead of new stdClass by Thiemo Kreuz
[edit]No changes for TemplateSandbox
[edit]- git #f67fbc13 - build: Use existing eslint also for json linting (T220036) by Umherirrender
[edit]No changes for TemplateWizard
[edit]No changes for TextExtracts
[edit]No changes for Thanks
[edit]No changes for TheWikipediaLibrary
[edit]- git #cdbef4ba - Remove use of $wgUser in ApiVideoUploadTestCase (T241903) by DannyS712
- git #04758da4 - mw.MwEmbedSupport: Drop unused messages by James D. Forrester
[edit]No changes for timeline
[edit]No changes for TitleBlacklist
[edit]- git #9c7ed736 - build: Use existing eslint also for json linting (T220036) by Umherirrender
[edit]No changes for TorBlock
[edit]- git #aad88250 - Fix the language filter on translation stats by Abijeet
- git #3addf38b - Suppress unavoidable Phan warnings (T262800) by Niklas Laxström
- git #c0cda5a1 - Add a common interface to query translation statistics (T134634) by Abijeet
[edit]- git #49d0d360 - build: Use existing eslint also for json linting (T220036) by Umherirrender
[edit]- git #2e6e064e - build: Cleanup jsonlint config by Umherirrender
[edit]- git #cbde6090 - Change "entry" to "comment" in talk page conflict resolution (T261852) by Bartosz Dziewoński
- git #c283b0c0 - CSS 'class' names can be an array in Html::…element by Thiemo Kreuz
- git #8d76d2ad - Reduce deep array nesting in data providers by Thiemo Kreuz
[edit]No changes for UniversalLanguageSelector
[edit]No changes for UploadsLink
[edit]- git #4731f8b1 - Remove use of global $wgUser in config (T262715) by DannyS712
- git #c81df82b - Remove unused wm-license-* messages (T162005) by Ostrzyciel
[edit]No changes for UrlShortener
[edit]No changes for UserMerge
[edit]No changes for VipsScaler
[edit]- git #c377d7a6 - Update VE core submodule to master (22a771930) (T260212) (T261522) by Bartosz Dziewoński
- git #1c9bb251 - Drop iceweasel and blackberry tests for new jQuery.client by Ed Sanders
- git #1230e25c - Add missing constant visibility keywords by Thiemo Kreuz
- git #99b0a1e6 - Fix copy-paste mistake in MWTransclusionContentModel by Thiemo Kreuz
- git #bb18d4cd - build: Updating bl to 1.2.3 by libraryupgrader
- git #0d64cd86 - Disable ArticleTargetLoader on invalid UTF-8 URIs (T106244) by jdlrobson
- git #a98946ca - Add missing test file (ve.DiffMatchPatch.test.js) by Bartosz Dziewoński
- git #4f192c8c - Init: Remove duplicate check for showBetaWelcome by Ed Sanders
- git #fafd0b93 - Init: Reuse isEditPage by Ed Sanders
[edit]No changes for WebAuthn
[edit]- git #ed17a113 - bridge: npm audit fix by Lucas Werkmeister
- git #c2662329 - bridge: npm update by Lucas Werkmeister
- git #b057f1fb - build: Updating bl to 1.2.3 by libraryupgrader
- git #7a3c7f35 - EntitySavingHelper: allow ArrayAccess object status values (T260869) by Jakob Warkotsch
- git #5439aa20 - build: Updating bl to 4.0.3 by libraryupgrader
- git #bc86e40d - Add monolingual language code lij-MC (T254968) by Remko de Keijzer
- git #8fdbc111 - addUnitConversions: remove dead variable by Pablo Grass
- git #044fc3a2 - Remove unused SiteLookup from dumpRdf maintenance script by Thiemo Kreuz
- git #a2784805 - CSS 'class' names can be an array in Html::…element by Thiemo Kreuz
- git #d14b919f - Add Item and Property terms caching docs (T245741) by Jakob Warkotsch
- git #1f13db40 - Move changes_* files out of sql archives (T205094) by Amir Sarabadani
- git #22dad6c5 - bridge: Fix false-positive high-level vulnerability in our dev dependencies by Michael Große
[edit]No changes for WikibaseCirrusSearch
[edit]No changes for WikibaseLexeme
[edit]No changes for WikibaseLexemeCirrusSearch
[edit]- git #8347012e - Add a guard clause to resetCountAndLoadMore method (T261536) by Eric Gardner
- git #1133a636 - Expand categories tab to include various namespaces (T257700) (T260392) by annet
- git #4ddbfb1b - Enable URL-based feature-flag for Quickview (T262860) by Eric Gardner
- git #ae449b37 - Break long lines by Umherirrender
- git #973a8172 - Add sort filter to all tabs (T260722) by annet
- git #6d7b38f9 - Allow programmatic reset of filters (T261813) by Eric Gardner
- git #40c76fde - Remove MediaSearch API module, use existing search with MediaSearch profile (T258063) by Matthias Mullie
- git #f8120dd1 - Remove use of $wgUser in WBMIApiTestCase (T245959) by DannyS712
- git #530a85ec - Remove call to deleted action by annet
- git #29aa857e - Align results to top (T261957) by Matthias Mullie
- git #791aa3bf - Bring PHP rendered SpecialMediaSearch version back in line with JS (T258611) (T261727) by Matthias Mullie
- git #321ba92f - Treat SelectMenu's formattedItems as a computed property (T261883) by Eric Gardner
[edit]- git #c3e965db - build: Use existing eslint also for json linting (T220036) by Umherirrender
- git #5c73287f - Remove use of global $wgUser (T262716) by DannyS712
[edit]No changes for
[edit]- git #7c77b168 - build: Use existing eslint also for json linting (T220036) by Umherirrender
[edit]No changes for WikiEditor
[edit]No changes for wikihiero
[edit]- git #e8772800 - eslint cleanup by Ed Sanders
[edit]No changes for WikimediaApiPortalOAuth
[edit]No changes for WikimediaBadges
[edit]- git #ed577cc1 - build: Use existing eslint also for json linting (T220036) by Umherirrender
[edit]- git #84b21efb - clientError: Ignore the hash when comparing error URL to current URL by jdlrobson
- git #83016fd2 - Search satisfaction schema is required to handle Uri exceptions (T106244) by jdlrobson
- git #a9b9e97f - Enable MediaSearch A/B test by Matthias Mullie
- git #bcdcba08 - ext.wikimediaEvents.loggedin: Move 3-line file to the general module by Timo Tijhof
- git #ddc6d0af - modules: Consistent coding style and formatting by Timo Tijhof
- git #0ac831e4 - deprecate: Use mw.eventLog.inSample() built-in instead of Math.random() by Timo Tijhof
- git #4a0fdb83 - SearchSatisfaction: Set fields for search widget A/B tests in Vector (T256100) by Sam Smith
- git #2bc5048d - ReadingDepth: Remove ReadingDepth instrument (T229042) by Sam Smith
- git #a2605f03 - wikibase/completionClicks: Avoid mw.Uri for simple query read by Timo Tijhof
- git #4fb275e7 - citationUsage: Remove unused campaign code (T213969) by Timo Tijhof
- git #8141b09b - citationUsage: Reduce use of jQuery in a few places by Timo Tijhof
- git #c5f88ed2 - citationUsage: Minor optimisations and simplifications by Timo Tijhof
[edit]No changes for WikimediaIncubator
[edit]No changes for WikimediaMaintenance
[edit]- git #80674b1d - Add messages for Russian Wikipedia Arbitration Committtee (arbcom_ruwiki) (T262812) by gerritbot
[edit]- git #a57328ab - build: Cleanup jsonlint config by Umherirrender
- git #72ef0e57 - build: Use existing eslint also for json linting (T220036) by Umherirrender
[edit]- git #2e0bee98 - Fix MediaWiki.Commenting.FunctionComment.MissingDocumentationPublic by zoranzoki21
[edit]- git #0a942167 - Use prepared and combined subpage/page subtitle (T259313) by Ammar Abdulhamid
- git #c9a1a6f2 - Remove usages of Skin::mainPageLink() (T257996) by Ammar Abdulhamid
[edit]- git #f78d7c11 - watchstar: Add expiry support to event (T261970) by Dayllan Maza
[edit]- git #4f7f53fd - Whitespace consistency: Spaces->tabs by jdlrobson
[edit]- git #7f3581f0 - Drop MonoBookAfterContent hook (T259400) by Ammar Abdulhamid
[edit]No changes for Nostalgia
[edit]No changes for Timeless
[edit]- git #7449c7fd - A/B test of search in header for logged in users (T249363) by jdlrobson
- git #c8642b2f - Use feature management for search in header (T259250) by jdlrobson
- git #db254ab4 - Remove trailing spaces from json by Umherirrender
- git #837f5291 - Fix order of expected/actual in SkinVectorTest by DannyS712
- git #9b317405 - Reduce max-width and adjust margin-left (T261686) by jdlrobson
- git #1f385f74 - build: Updating node-fetch to 2.6.1 by libraryupgrader
- git #905ad68b - Make max-width the default for modern Vector by jdlrobson
- git #df3954ef - [IE9] Layout flex-box adjustments by Jan Drewniak
- git #78787d96 - Switch to navigation-first DOM order under `$wgVectorIsSearchInHeader` feature flag (T261802) by Nicholas Ray
- git #b70197e8 - build: Updating bl to 4.0.3 by libraryupgrader
- git #1dad545f - Adds loading indicator for new search module (T254695) by Jan Drewniak
[edit]- git #d2cce9da - Hide notification icon for anonymous users in narrow width. (T260394) by Cindy Cicalese
- git #5b6c5a98 - styles: Change content font sizes to rem (T260306) by apaskulin
- git #d717376f - Revert localisation update change that caused breakage by Cindy Cicalese
- git #3213879c - Rename docseditor right to edit-docs (T261425) by Cindy Cicalese
- git #6c5128fe - WikimediaApiPortal: .imeselector-toggle css class (for Language settings icon) z-index increase, so it is bigger than bootstrap's .fixed-top z-index, which is 1030 and partially hides the icon. (T259666) by arttsymbar
- git #872839ac - WikimediaApiPortal skin: Search placeholder and tooltip text update. (T259669) by arttsymbar
- git #f18cdfbc - Change tooltip on user menu to username. by Cindy Cicalese
- git #374321e8 - Add Preferences link to user menu (T260628) by Cindy Cicalese
- git #005bed91 - Don't show notifications when logged out or Echo is not installed (T260394) by Cindy Cicalese
[edit]- git #b700baa6 - Allow getViewportRange to return null and document by Ed Sanders
- git #ec97b70f - More direct fix for find-and-replace running after teardown issues (T260212) (T261522) by Ed Sanders
Total Changes
[edit]360 Changes in 88 repos by 71 authors