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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:PurgeChangedPages.php and the translation is 29% complete.
MediaWiki version:


purgeChangedPages.php file is a maintenance script to send purge requests for pages edited in a date range to squid/varnish. This script can be used to recover from an HTCP message partition or other major cache layer interruption. It processes 100 items in a batch.


Vaihtoehto Kuvaus Pakollinen?
--starttime Starting timestamp Required
--endtime Ending timestamp Required
--htcp-dest HTCP announcement destination (IP:port) Optional
--sleep-per-batch Milliseconds to sleep between batches Optional
--dry-run Do not send purge requests Optional
--verbose Show more output Optional


php maintenance/run.php purgeChangedPages --starttime dt1 --endtime dt2 [ --htcp-dest| --sleep-per-batch| --dry-run| --verbose ]
In MediaWiki version 1.39.10 and earlier, you must invoke maintenance scripts using php maintenance/scriptName.php instead of php maintenance/run.php scriptName.

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