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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:Mctest.php and the translation is 71% complete.


mctest.php is a MediaWiki maintenance script that makes several 'set', 'incr', 'get' requests on every memcached server and shows a report.


Option Beschreibung Notwendig Standardwert
--i Number of iterations Optional 100
--cache Use servers from this $wgObjectCaches store Optional
--driver Either "php" or "pecl" Optional php
--server[:port] Memcached server to test, with optional port Optional


php maintenance/run.php mctest [ --i| --cache| --driver| --server[:port] ]
In MediaWiki version 1.39.10 and earlier, you must invoke maintenance scripts using php maintenance/scriptName.php instead of php maintenance/run.php scriptName.

Basic test


Test with custom iterations


Test with custom server and port


Häufiger Fehler

MediaWiki isn't configured for Memcached usage
This error occurs when your MediaWiki installation is not configured properly with memcached server.
MediaWiki isn't configured with a cache named '$cache'
This indicates that you have not configured the '$cache' properly in $wgObjectCaches. Check LocalSettings.php for configuration details.

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